Welcome to the June Edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter!!!
Hey, can you believe it’s June already? Wow! 2024 is racing by and what a busy month we have had in May.
It has been fantastic to see Evesham town centre buzzing with so many great free community events - our Love Evesham Day, the Medieval Market, and the Vale of Evesham Food and Drink Festival. May also saw the inauguration of the new town mayor, Robert Raphael, the civic awards hosted by previous Mayor Alan Booth, and the first Evesham Placeboard Ambassador event.
It has been extremely busy with the Medieval Market bringing in over 30k visitors alone!!! - With so much interest in all the events going on locally it is no wonder that our community Facebook Group, Evesham Noticeboard, reached nearly 1 million views and interactions over the last 60 days! Thanks to all our members who make Evesham Noticeboard a lovely Facebook group, and as always we will be keeping it politics-free despite the upcoming elections!
May has been extremely busy for me, I was asked to go to chat with BBC Radio Presenter Nina Gus Dat to discuss what Evesham Noticeboard does, how we have grown, and how we become the largest communication tool in the area. It was so much fun going into the studios and it has also been a privilege to be invited to join the panel of the Evesham Placeboard team - a new initiative by the council. I really hope I can help support our community and businesses by being a voice to champion the good, challenge the bad, and understand the wishes of the community. Keep reading to find out more about the launch of the Evesham Placeboard Ambassador Programme below.
May also heralded the handover between former Mayor Booth to his successor Mayer Raphael. We would like to thank our outgoing Mayor Alan Booth for all his efforts over the past 12 months and for his support of the community. We also welcome the new Mayor Robert Raphael who comes with experience and like Alan is very passionate about our community.
What is the role of a town Mayor? Well after attending the Mayor handover at All Saints Church it was clear that our Mayors have a mission to support local charities and community groups, champion the town, and help steer the town council. Mayor Raphael's mayoral year kicks off with a great selection of upcoming events, plus we will be having a dedicated mayor’s corner in our monthly newsletters where you can read an update on what he’s been getting up to. Read on to see this month’s update from Mayor Raphael.
In May, we hosted our very first Love Evesham Day, and what a success it was!!! We were so stoked to see thousands of people attend on the day and whilst we appreciate the great weather was a factor it was fantastic to see the community come out in force to support the day. A huge thank you to all the businesses, performers, charities, and community groups who participated in the day, the community spirit was so strong and the atmosphere was amazing. - You can view a full list of all our exhibitors here on our website.
With this being our first event, we would really appreciate your feedback so if you have a few minutes spare please fill in our feedback form which is available here.
As well as saying thank you to our participating businesses, we’d also like to say a huge thank you to Walls Ice Cream for donating to us 500 Ice Creams and merchandise which we distributed throughout the day (and for lending us the freezer too). We’d also like to give a massive shout-out to Ashleigh Jeynes and the team from the Almonry and Tourist Information Centre for their help. The Almonry, like so many other businesses on the day, had one of their busiest days ever with the highest number of visitors in a single day and many donations received towards the upcoming restorations. We’ve also heard from many businesses that their takings were also up for the day with many experiencing one of the busiest days they’ve had since before the pandemic which is fantastic news we think you’ll agree.
I’d also like to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped on the day including the Evesham Placeboard team, members of Wychavon District Council, and everyone else who came along and helped either on the day or in the days prior - I couldn’t have done it without you.
It was such a fantastic day and was so exciting to see the town buzzing and having the opportunity to meet people from other areas who attended.
Interested in taking part and getting involved at next year’s event? If so please contact us at hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk to register your interest.
If you know or run a business in the Evesham, Pershore or Broadway area then you are invited to join our unique advertising platform. Please visit https://www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk/join. Many business owners are enjoying the low cost but hugely supportive and connecting digital advertising.
Want to get involved:
- Share your feel-good stories, events, and news with us! We love to hear from the community. ️Email Katie hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk
- Visit our website and social media pages for even more Evesham, Pershore and Broadway goodness.
- Spread the word! Invite your friends and neighbours to join our growing community.
- If you are looking for a trader or service please do check out our local and recommended trades and services. We only champion the best! www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk to find what you are looking for.
Together, let's make the Vale an even more vibrant and connected place!
Happy reading and remember Keep it local readers!
Kind 'Keeping it local' Regards
Katie Gilbert
Evesham Glows!
Did you see the Aurora Borealis?
Credit: Phillip Love
Earlier this month, lucky residents in Evesham and the Vale were able to witness the aurora borealis (Northern Lights).
The Aurora is caused by intense solar storms bouncing off the earth's atmosphere but it's very rare to see outside the Arctic Circle.
It's even rarer to witness the phenomenon this far south and at a reasonable hour. This and the fact it was a clear night meant many were able to watch the Aurora for themselves between 11pm and midnight.
But if you missed out, fear not! We hope you enjoy these pics that were posted on our Facebook page.
Credit: Charlotte Harper
Freedom Day Centre Open Day
A huge congratulations to Freedom Day Centre who recently held an open day to celebrate their expansion.
Wow what a day! A few weeks ago the Freedom Day Centre held an open day to celebrate the recent expansion and refurbishment of the centre. It was hugely successful and the team say they couldn’t have asked for a better turnout.
It all started about 8 months ago when the community group had a vision to expand the day centre to cope with the increased capacity. Well, after much work and with help from local companies that vision has now been realised.
Huge thanks go to Darren and his team for their great work. Despite plans changing at the 11th hour, the team remained supportive and ensured that the centre could remain open throughout the refurbishment. They really have worked wonders on the building and they have formed amazing relationships with our service users answering questions who will be lost without them now the works are complete.
Freedom Day Centre also singled out Keith Hawkins for his efforts over the last 10 months. Keith has decorated the day centre free of charge and even donated all the pain. In the last 4 months he’s also painted the extension and went over some previous marks resulting from the recent building work. The team at Freedom Day Centre are so grateful and thank you from the bottom of their hearts for all the work that you have completed.
Much of the transformation was only made possible because of the donation of materials by local companies and special thanks must go to Gemma from Benchmark (Worcester), Jewsons (Evesham), Scott’s Plant & Haulage, Aspey Energy, Wooden Spoon (Worcester) and Spare Rooms.
Congratulations to Freedom Day Centre on the new extension and well done to everyone involved in the project it looks fantastic.
Medieval Market Returns
What a fantastic weekend we had for the Medieval Market. The weather was superb and the town was absolutely buzzing with an estimated 30,000 visitors attending over the weekend.
The weekend's events included some fabulous re-enactments of fighting displays between Viking, Norman and Wars of the Roses all in authentic dress and using replicas of what would have been used hundreds of years ago.
It's only the third year that the Medieval Market has been held but word has spread and it is now a hugely successful event attracting visitors from across the UK, many of whom flocked to check out the over 90 trade stalls that were exhibiting.
There were also 30 stalls run by a combination of local charities and community groups, meaning that some of the money made went directly back into the community to support local people which is great news.
As well as shopping with the traders and watching the re-enactment fighting displays in the arena, visitors were also able to test their skills by taking part in activities including axe throwing and archery. There were also medieval music performances and other authentic re-enactments of medieval skills which were fantastic to watch.
It was a wonderful weekend with so much on offer and it's amazing to see that plans are now underway for next year's event - not to mention the Battle of Evesham Festival in August (which we are mega-excited for). As always a huge well done to Mick and the Team for this event which has truly become a highlight of the year for many people.
Mayor's Corner: May Roundup
by Mayor Robert "Robbie" Raphael
On Monday 13th May Evesham Town Council held its annual ‘Mayor-Making’ Ceremony. This event is usually held in the Town Hall, but when the lift to the first-floor function room broke rendering disabled access to the event difficult, town council staff decided to move the entire event to nearby All Saints Church.
During the ceremony out-going Mayor, Alan Booth handed out cheques for £2,000 each to the mayor’s chosen charities; Evesham Shopmobilty, Working World and Garage Art Group. He also awarded local charity workers Kerry Wood and Kyle Hotchkins the Mayor’s Civic Award. Kerry founded the charity Evesham Defibrillators while Kyle was recognised for his work for Claus for a Cause - a community group supporting families in need at Christmas time.
This is my third time as Mayor of Evesham (previously 1997 and 2012). I was asked by the council to become mayor when the Deputy Mayor, Sarah Scaathun, was unable to take on the role.
Evesham Town Council has been through a tough time recently. We have suffered from strained relations between members and this unhealthy distraction has caused us to not be the effective council the people of Evesham deserve. I am hopeful that council members will be able to put their differences to one side and work together for the better of our town and its people.
When I hear or read people running this wonderful town down, I am reminded of the adage "Some people grumble because roses have thorns", and that's so true... Evesham is an amazing place, our festivals and events are first-rate, The Battle of Evesham Festival, The River Festival and The Festival of Words are superlatives in their field. We are steeped in history; Eof's sighting of the Virgin Mary, our medieval connection to British democracy, early steam-powered boats pioneered on the Avon and our part in the war effort with the BBC listening post at Wood Norton.
Of course, we shouldn't simply ignore the thorns... the town council must continue to press the district and county council over the state of Evesham Riverside Shopping Centre, Evesham's traffic issues, the completion of the cycle route from Common Road to The Valley, and we must do our utmost to keep the town centre attractive to encourage tourists and new business.
During my first week as Mayor, I was honoured to be invited to both the Kidderminster and Alcester Mayor Makings (it’s that time of year!) and then at the weekend we opened the Battle of Evesham Medieval Market… what a wonderful event, truly showing off Evesham at its best. Wallace House Community Centre Open Day and a Christian Aid Fundraiser also rounded off the first week.
The month ended with a visit to Ourside Youth Centre in Broadway Road to see them awarded The Kings Award for Voluntary Service and to Evesham United Football Club for the launch of the Evesham Ambassadors Programme (more about that to come) our final engagement of the month was the launch of the new programme of Bands in Abbey Park.
To be the effective and strong council that Evesham needs we need to be part of the communities which we represent, please invite us to your schools, your charities, your groups and your events... we want to be part of the vibrant Evesham community and the people of Evesham deserve a council fully engaged and aware of the this town's needs.
If you would like the Mayor or even the entire council to attend any of your planned events, please let us know admin@eveshamtowncouncil.gov.uk
Robert Raphael
Mayor of Evesham
Ourside Youth Association Win Volunteers Award
Well done to the Ourside Youth Association who were awarded the Kings Award for Voluntary Service by the Lord Lieutenant of Worcestershire in May.
The Youth Committee and young people planned and put on an amazing night serving handmade trifles, biscuits, scones with hot drinks, and a mocktail bar.
Winning the KAVS award is a huge milestone for the association and it's fantastic to see them get recognition for all the work they've done.
For those that don't know, winning the KAVS award is the equivalent of receiving an MBE - so it is an amazing achievement for the organisation.
To find out more about Ourside, check the link below.
An Inspirational Story For Those Sitting Exams
This month, many young people will be sitting their end of year exams. And whilst many will do well, some may be disappointed with their results when collecting these in August.
We want to share with you the story of Ellie, the founder of Beau Boo Beauty
Ellie built her business despite having ZERO GSCE grades which just goes to show your results do NOT define your future!
She is now a multi-award winning, multi salon owner
But it wasn't easier. Ellie's had to work hard and didn't find her career until she was 27. She also says she certainly didn't know what she wanted to do at 15/16!
Her advice?
"Do not stress! Do your absolute best, but if not, you still have the rest of your life ahead of you."
And even if things do go wrong and you don't get the results you hoped for, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!
So don't worry if things don't turn out like you hoped.
Evesham District Mental Health Support Services
This month we shine a spotlight on the local charity Evesham District Mental Health Support Services (EDMHSS). EDHMSS is an independent charity operating in the Vale of Evesham which is dedicated to improving the lives of those facing mental health challenges. Founded on the belief that no one should struggle alone, EDMHSS provides a safe and supportive environment for people of all ages experiencing emotional distress.
Who They Help and How:
- Adults and Children (11-17 years old): EDMHSS offers confidential counselling services to help individuals navigate difficult emotions, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns.
- Families and Carers: Through support groups and information resources, EDMHSS empowers families and carers with the tools to better understand and assist their loved ones.
- Dementia Support: The charity runs a dedicated meeting center providing social interaction and activities for individuals living with dementia, while also offering guidance and support for their families.
EDMHSS has been a pillar of the Evesham community for many years. The charity's focus on providing accessible and compassionate mental health support has seen it evolve into a vital resource for our district and many people would be lost without it.
That's why they need you. Without volunteers and your donations, the charity simply wouldn't survive and with so many people in need of help with their mental issues, this really is a valuable service that we can't afford to lose.
How You Can Get Involved: 
EDMHSS thrives on the support of the Evesham community. Here are a few ways you can contribute:
- Volunteer: Share your skills and time by becoming a volunteer counsellor, befriender, or fundraiser.
- Donate: Financial contributions allow EDMHSS to continue offering vital services.
- Raise Awareness: Talk openly about mental health and spread the word about EDMHSS's services.
- Fundraise: Organise events or activities to raise money for the charity.
By working together, we can ensure that EDMHSS remains a beacon of hope and support for those facing mental health challenges in our community.
For more information on EDMHSS's services or how to get involved, visit the EDMHSS website or call them at 01386 429454.
You can also donate via the link below:
Donate Now
Evesham Welcomes New Businesses
This last month or so has seen a flurry of new businesses opening in Evesham and the Vale:
We'd like to say a huge welcome to Evesham's new business owners and businesses.
The arrival of these new businesses confirms that Evesham is the place where entrepreneurs want to be. They believe Evesham is worth investing in and that means more job opportunities in the town and a more vibrant-looking town centre. In fact, the waterside shopping centre aside - a search online indicates there aren't a huge number of vacant retail units currently up for rent which is definitely a good sign.
We look forward to welcoming more businesses to the area in the upcoming months.
Ghost Walks Return to Evesham
Evesham's cobbled streets are alive with spooky tales once more! After a several-year hiatus, the Evesham Ghost Walks triumphantly returned on Saturday 4th May (Love Evesham Day), drawing a crowd of over 50 curious souls for its chilling debut.
These enthralling walks weave together the rich tapestry of Evesham's past. Attendees have the opportunity not only to hear about the town's notable historical figures and their fascinating lives, but also to delve into the shadows and whispers of local legends. Prepare to be spooked by the tales of Evesham's resident ghosts – these aren't your typical bedtime stories!
If you're brave enough to explore the paranormal side of Evesham, or simply want to learn more about the town's intriguing history, be sure to check out the Evesham Ghost Walks Facebook page. There you'll find details about upcoming walks, and perhaps even a ghostly glimpse into Evesham's haunted past. So, are you ready to step into the unknown and meet the phantoms of Evesham?
Are You Prom and Wedding Ready?
Prom and Wedding Season are upon us and if you need to find the perfect look or finishing touch we've got you covered...
With sunshine arriving and meteorological summer kicking off on Saturday 1st June, wedding bells, racing at Ascot and prom night are just around the corner! To make your special day truly unforgettable, ditch the online giants and discover the magic of shopping locally for your wedding or prom attire and finishing touches.
Evesham's businesses are here to ensure you and your loved ones are ready for any summer event, whether it's:
- Finding the perfect prom dress: Stand out from the crowd with a one-of-a-kind gown from a local boutique.
- Choosing a beautiful corsage: Make a statement with a stunning corsage for a wedding or special occasion.
- Unearthing a special piece of jewellery: Discover unique pieces that will become cherished keepsakes.
Here's why shopping local is the perfect way to celebrate your milestone moment:
- Uniqueness: Stand out from the crowd with a one-of-a-kind dress or outfit.
- Expert Guidance: Local shop owners are passionate about fashion and have a keen eye for detail.
- Community Spirit: Support independent businesses that are the heart and soul of Evesham.
- Sustainable Style: Many local stores offer ethically sourced clothing or focus on reusing and revamping existing pieces.
So ditch the impersonal online experience and embark on a treasure hunt through Evesham's shops. You might just discover your dream dress, a hidden gem of a boutique, and a community eager to help you shine on your special day.
Here's our top pick of Evesham's boutiques:
Evesham also has a great selection of charity shops that offer pre-loved prom dresses - so go check them out.
And if it's hair, make up and beauty treatments you are looking for, search our directory for the perfect stylist to help you achieve the look you are going for.
Chakra RetreatAlex Bannard Yoga and Mindfulness are hosting a Chakra retreat on 14th June between 10am-4pm in Beckford. The retreat will be a wonderful journey through the chakras with yoga, breathwork, meditation, sound bath, and reflection. Lunch and afternoon tea are included and all dietary requirements are catered for! They say, "We’ll awaken the energy of each of the chakras with movement, breath and sound in a really fun fusion yoga practice in the morning – bringing together Qigong, Kundalini & Flow Yoga. After lunch & a chance to connect, we’ll move outside for a beautiful chakra balancing meditation surrounded by the sounds and energy of nature for harmony and coherence. Feel connected, calm, centered, balanced, and aligned with your chakras and within yourself. You may find you sleep better – clients often report a fabulous night's sleep after these events! Everyone’s experience is different & the experience is different every time." For more details and to join, click the link below. | ![]() |
What is a Sound Bath?
by Victoria @ The Holistic Lady
Ever wondered what a sound bath is? Evesham Noticeboard Recommended Member Victoria explains...
"You are laid down or in a comfortable position, chair or yoga mat, blankets, pillows, very snug and comfy. You close your eyes. We do some gentle breathing together, I talk to you a bit, setting the theme, slowly relaxing you. Then I start playing the gongs, quartz crystal bowls, meditation chimes. The soothing healing sounds and vibrations wash over you. Total peace and calm, nowhere else to be in that moment. You then gently come back into the moment with some grounding techniques. The sound bath is approximately 1 hour. "
- Relaxation
- Pain relief
- Stress reduction
- Improving sleep quality
- Enhancing creativity
- Mindfulness
- Providing Time for you
Victoria has lots of sound bath events coming up, so please check out her website to find out more.
![]() | Evesham Noticeboard - Now also on TikTokWe've recently signed up for a Tiktok account so if you are a fellow TikTok user - please give us a follow. We'll be using Tiktok to upload videos sharing more about our town, the local businesses, charities and events. The team are also looking forward to jumping on current trends and having fun. To follow us, scan the QR code or click the link below. |
Vale of Evesham National Morris Weekend 2024
What's on in Evesham and The Vale this month
To find out what's going on this month in Evesham, check out our weekly pinned post on the Evesham Noticeboard Facebook page.
Looking for something fun to do? Check out our regularly updated list of things to do in Evesham.
Add your Event
Regular Events Hosted at
Venues Across Evesham
Want to find out what's on at venues near you? Check out the links below to find out when you can enjoy live bands, quizzes, food nights and so much more!!!
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Bands in the Park June Events
A celebration of the River Avon
In this months guide, we are exploring the wonderful River Avon and the businesses that rely on it here in Evesham and the Vale. The River Avon winds its way through the heart of Evesham, not just a waterway, but a vibrant thread woven into the town's very fabric.
This captivating waterway isn't just a backdrop; it's a playground for adventure. Cast a line and test your angling skills, or glide serenely along the water on a kayak or paddleboard. The Avon comes alive with bustling events throughout the year, from the dazzling Evesham River Festival to the dramatic re-enactment of the Battle of Evesham.
Intrigued? Delve deeper into the wonders of the River Avon in our full article! Discover its historical significance, the exciting activities it offers, and the charming businesses that line its banks.
The River is one of the best assets we have as a town. Isn't it time that you experienced the magic of it firsthand?
Check out our River Avon Guide
New Members This Month
Rise and GrindRise + Grind is a coffee shop where nature, family, and four-legged companions can come together.. | Pride ClothingMenswear clothing retailer located on Evesham high street | Felton's Bistro and WineBistro restaurant offering a tasty locally sourced menu |
Kitchen Makeovers
| Kobido Beauty BayKobido massage and interbuccal massage available |
New Home for Evesham Noticeboard Group
Have you seen the latest news?
Bright Ideas Marketing Agency which encompasses the Evesham Noticeboard brand, Love Evesham and Vale Matters Podcast has secured a new home.
This will be our first official office and it is located right in the heart of Evesham town centre above the Foot Care Group.
We are so excited to have such a central location and to be able to add to the diverse business community already located in Evesham. It will also be great to have our own space where we can meet with fellow business owners and also so that the team can get together to come up with more 'bright ideas' ;-).
At the moment, Katie is still fitting out the office but once we have an official opening date and are full moved in, we will let you know!
Business Dates for Your Diary
Non League Networking - Thursday 27th June 12-2pm EUFC - £10 for ENB Members
Evesham Noticeboard Networking - details to be confirmed
Evesham Business Networking at Art Gallery
In May, we hosted an evening networking event at The Hayley Reynolds Gallery in Blackminster, for our Evesham Noticeboard members. Local business owners explored the 'art' of networking whilst viewing the stunning art gallery and art studio and learning more about this fantastic local business
The event was well attended by a good mix of local Evesham business owners who networked over nibbles whilst having the opportunity to get to know each other better.
It was lovely to see so many local business owners there networking and to learn more about Hayley and what she does. Some of the attendees had previously participated in some of the workshops that Hayley runs so it was also interesting to hear more about those from a student perspective.
Interested in attending the next one? The next Evesham Noticeboard Networking meet up usually happens on the 2nd Thursday of each month at a different venue each time. Keep an eye out on the Facebook group for the next one.
Sarah's accountancy tips
This month Sarah Sallis, from the accountancy office provides this update for business owners on the government initiative of Making Tax Digital
Making Tax Digital (MTD) is part of the government’s plan to switch the UK over from paper to a fully digital tax service.
This means that businesses, landlords and the self employed will soon have to complete their tax records entirely online using a special type of MTD compliant software.
Who is affected? Sole traders and landlords with an overall income above £50,000 need to have MTD compatible software in place before 6 April 2026. This is when the first phase of Making Tax Digital for Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) comes into effect. For sole traders and landlords earning above £30,000 annually, MTD starts from April 2027.
What will change? Making Tax Digital requires you to use approved software for your accounting that can report information direct to HMRC.
The submissions - There are three types of submission to be made over the course of the tax year: quarterly updates, an annual End of Period Statement (EOPS); and a Final Declaration, which replaces the current Self Assessment tax return.
What to do now - Making Tax Digital for Income Tax is more complex than can be comprehensively covered here, but this should give you a reasonable overview of what to expect. It might seem like April 2026 is far enough away not to have to worry about things just yet. However, it’s not that long a time to make sure you have everything in place.
For further information, please visit our website where our MTD helpsheet explains further.
Thanks to Sarah Sallis and the Team at The Accountancy Office for allowing us to reshare this. If you need help with your accounts, contact the team at the link below.
Evesham Ambassador Programme Launches
Friday 24th May saw businesses from Evesham joining together for breakfast at the Evesham United Football Club to witness the launch of a new initiative by Evesham Town Council - The Evesham Ambassador Programme.
The launch introduced members of the new Evesham Placeboard Scheme and laid out the objectives for the town as described in the town's vision.
It's primarily about trying to improve perspectives of the town to make it appear a more attractive place to visit and to also improve it for locals. This includes a plan to try and reduce traffic in the time by encouraging active travel through improved cycling and walking facilities including the new footbridge over the Avon from Hampton to the Leisure Centre.
A discussion panel was also held to discuss some of the challenges Evesham was facing and what is being done to overcome these.
It was a successful launch and indicative of more good things to come in Evesham and the surrounding area in the years to come and we look forward to seeing what's ahead.
Bradford's Celebrates 38th Anniversary
A huge congratulations to Gary and Debbie and the team at Bradfords who are celebrating their 38th Anniversary this month. That's an amazing milestone to reach and we wish them all the very best for the future.
It is not easy running a business and it takes dedication and hard work for family-owned businesses. Bradfords has been in the same family for over 38 years run by different generations and all these years later they are the leaders in the home flooring and furnishing industry - and I think you'll agree that's quite the achievement!
Visit the showroom or go online to see their full selection of floor coverings, beds and mattresses.
Silver Birch @ BHGS Picks up Best Florist Award
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You may have seen in previous posts that Silver Birch @ BHGS had been nominated for an award. Well, the results are in and it's official. The florists beat multiple other floristry businesses in the Midlands to take home the coveted award!
Jo and Rachel attended the awards ceremony on the night which was hosted by England's Business Awards and they were delighted to win the award.
A huge congratulations to all the team at Silver Birch @ BHGS for this fantastic achievement.
To see some of the beautiful floral displays created by Silver Birch @ BHGS, visit the link below.
Axolotl & Reptile Rescue and Advice Win Prestigious Award
A massive well done and congratulations to Axolotl & Reptile Rescue and Advice for winning Best Animal Rescue in the UK 2024 at the Animal Star Awards.
It's an amazing achievement and very well deserved for such a great group that does so much for animal lovers in the area (and beyond).
On their Facebook account, they posted the following to thank their followers, "Thank you to everyone who has supported the rescue and made it into what it is today, and to think this all started from our kitchen. We are now the Animal Star Awards UK's best animal rescue 2024"
Interested in donating? Click the link below!
Thanks for reading!
We hope you've enjoyed the June edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter. We are always looking for newsworthy stories for our newsletter so if you'd like to be featured or would like to contribute to next month's article please drop us a message to hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk
Big thanks to our admins and content creators at Evesham Noticeboard! Kim and Gemma help us with their creative skills to produce informative posts and newsletters! I would be lost without them, so big big thanks ladies!
Vale Matters Podcast | Local Events in Evesham | Money Saving Deals | Find a Local Business |