![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | About Evesham Noticeboard Facebook Group.Local business owner and digital creator Katie Gilbert started Evesham Noticeboard the Facebook group back in 2015, with an aim to provide a positive online group for the community, businesses and charities. It is now Evesham's largest and most popular public group has now grown to over 33k followers and sees engagement rates which over 300k a month! It takes a huge amount of time to admin this size group and to adhere to our group rules and our mission.What we do: Promote Evesham and provide essential communications for all areas of our community, from business owners gaining a new audience to charities and local events raising their profile. How we do it?
Our mission: To enrich the experience of living in the Evesham community by creating a safe digital space for local businesses, charities and community services and facilitating local experts, leaders and community members. What our Facebook Group Does: Our Facebook group Evesham Noticeboard provides the largest online form of communication for our town. A well-managed group which protects the community and champions “Good News” to have a positive impact on our town. We provide support and a place to share community news. It is a trusted reliable source of news, recommended businesses, and local events. Plus recognised as the go-to group if you are “Looking for” . About our website: It is a community directory, covering Evesham, Pershore and Broadway. Find what you are looking for from "whats on" to recommended businesses. It is Evesham's online hub! That feeds from the Facebook group. Our Community Engagement Work: Our community engagement work involves providing free press and pr for our community groups.
How we work with businesses:
Evesham Noticeboard Recommended - Everything Local, Everything Evesham! #keepitlocalevesham campaign to give well-deserved shout-outs to local businesses. |
Is this connected to the Evesham Noticeboard Facebook group?Yes we are true! Via our Facebook group we have identified a real need in Evesham from all the "LOOKING FOR POSTS", the community needs a one-stop online space that helps share community news, information, guides and trusted local businesses. This website has been specially created and designed to support our community, the Facebook group, and local businesses #keepitlocalevesham | Do I have to pay or register to use this website or Facebook group?No, all members of the public can freely search for what's on in Evesham, search for recommended businesses and use the vouchers are all free! If you would like to receive regular money-saving vouchers and find out what's on then you can subscribe to our newsletter for free too. The facebook has not changed at all for members of the public, and in fact since our changes to advertisers the news feeds are cleaner! Subscribe to our Free Newsletter here |
Can charities or not for profits be added to this website?Yes, and it is completely free they receive our full support and will help to promote their cause or service. Types of community services we allow on the Community plan are:
Applications are upon request and at the discretion of the admin team. If you meet any of the criteria above please join up here | How do I get my business listed on the Evesham Noticeboard website?Simply choose a plan that suits your business needs and complete the registration form.
Applications are upon request and at the discretion of the admin team. It is really simple and easy to follow to create your business listing, it guides you step-by-step. Depending on which package you choose, memberships start from £12 a month, and there is no contract! View our price plans and register here |
Can businesses still post in the Facebook group?Only businesses registered and verified can now post in the group. Businesses will need to be registered with us, they will be restricted from posting their business advertisements.
If you would like to know more please email Katie at hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk | What do businesses/charities get from being listed?Both charities and businesses that are registered are already seeing a return on the investment, from being seen on our public Facebook group and our website. No other company ios offer this unique cross-marketing platform.
Why can I not post my adverts on Evesham Noticeboard anymore?Due to management time of running the group (which we have been doing for the last 7 years), it has grown to a near 22k members, and as it is a public group (reaches more hits) it has taken a huge amount of our admin's life, family time and basically waking hours to maintain a healthy, safe group with community support for Evesham. It is not a 9-5 type of job! We know many of the businesses that have been advertising with great success appreciate the amount of time we have dedicated free but it has come to a place where it needs management and security checks for businesses attempting to post takes time. See our "What does a group admin do" It is not something we planned to make these changes, but we need support to keep a healthy great group that supports our town. So we ask only the businesses to register and contribute. We have also invested in this website, a local marketing tool, and a community tool that supports everyone! It is free for charities and not for profits, and anything that supports the community we are passionate about! But for businesses, we cannot continue working for free of charge. The pricing structure has been designed to make it affordable and with no ties ins, no contracts, you can cancel at any time. See prices here | What does a group admin do?A Facebook group admin, depending on the size group can vary. Our group is very large and grows daily. There is also a difference between public & private groups. Ours is Public because that is what gains the most post reach... for instance in the last 60 days Evesham Noticeboard has interacted with 650,000 times! On average about 300-600 posts are submitted a week. Just a few things we are doing in the background....
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