Want to know where cash is accepted in Evesham? We put out a post on the Evesham Noticeboard Facebook Group asking this very question and we were overwhelmed with the response. We've therefore decided to put together a separate directory of all businesses that have told us they accept cash.
Why Cash?
According to the consumer group Which, 2.5 million people in the UK depend on cash for every transaction while 10 million say they are not ready, or unable to give up cash. This is particularly the case for those with certain disabilities or those on fixed incomes who use cash to help with budgeting.
Using cash has other benefits too, in an age where you are constantly on camera and where your details and shopping habits are recorded every time you swipe your card, cash offers privacy. It's also safer and more secure - after all cash does not crash. Using cash can also benefit businesses as it is more cost-efficient and unlike card payments, there are no fees for taking payments.
Ultimately the decision whether or not to accept cash rests with the individual business owner. Business owners have to make a lot of decisions in their day-to-day lives that are right for their businesses. There is no right or wrong way to do business and the choice of whether to accept cash is an individual one - after all, you never know what factors have gone into making that decision.
Here at Evesham Noticeboard, we are cash-friendly for those interested in subscribing to our services. Our view is that no one payment type is better than the other and that the CHOICE to choose how to pay is king. Not cash or card, but CHOICE.
Evesham Noticeboard Cash-Friendly Businesses
Cash-Friendly Evesham Businesses (Non - Members)
Want your business added to this directory? Email us to Hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk