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Christmas Events in Evesham

Christmas Events in Evesham

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

In my house it's tradition that as soon as a certain red truck is on our TV screens, it's that time of year....Holidays are coming! But as a busy parent it then hits me - there's so much to do!

Every year I spend hours trawling through social media hunting for local events and planning days out with family because let's face it - the weeks fly by and I want to soak up as much Christmas atmosphere as possible in our beautiful town.

So we have compiled this list of what's on in and around the Vale of Evesham this holiday season. From concerts to craft fayre's where you get the chance to support some fantastic small businesses and charities. And as we know this is a difficult Christmas for many, there is something for all budgets.

Here at Evesham Noticeboard, we've got you covered!

Light Switch on's

Evesham Rotary Club Tree of Light Switch on 

Thursday 24th November

The 2022 Switch On will be held at 6.30pm on the forecourt of the Methodist Church and on the Workman Bridge. 

The Workman Bridge will be closed for the period of the Switch On so that people may gather on the bridge to view the tree.

Mince pies and fruit punch will be served from the church forecourt where the Town Mayor will lead us in the countdown to the switch on, following which Bretforton Silver band will join us for a selection of Christmas carols.

Find out more

If you are looking for memorial ornaments for Christmas including tree decorations, grave ornaments, personalised candles and more. Call in to Evesham Noticeboard recommended local business Just Memorials Unit 15 St Richards Rd.

Click here

Evesham Christmas Light Switch On

Friday 25th November

The annual switch on of the town’s Christmas lights will take place next to the Christmas Tree in the High Street this year at 5.30pm.

Festive musical entertainment will occur from 12pm leading up to the switch on, performed by Father Christmas and the Town Crier.

Fireworks will follow the lights to signal the start of the festival build up.

Refreshments will be available in Market Square.

Pershore Christmas Lights Switch On

Sunday 27th November

Join us on Sunday 27 November from 2pm for the Pershore Christmas Light Switch On in St Andrews Gardens. 

There will be a high street parade with Santa and from 4:45pm the Christmas lights will be switched on!

This fantastic day will also have carols, entertainment, festive stalls, face painting, food and drink and free car parking all day.


Saturday 26th November

Evesham Christmas Artisan Fayre 


Christmas Gifts From All Ages - For All Ages

Come and explore high quality artisan stalls, including Medieval, Victorian and Modern.

UP to 100 stalls situated in the Medieval heart of Evesham.

Entertainment and activities for all ages. Plus Mead, Mulled Wine and many different Christmas themed goodies.

Find out more

Visit Santa at the Riverside Shopping Centre

Get ready to follow the signs from Market Place to find Father Christmas! Arrive early to make sure you can give him your wish list! There will also be festive face painting to enjoy.

Whilst in Evesham town on Saturday have a wonder over to these other two craft fayres in the Town Hall and Wallace House...


Some other events happening around Evesham on the same day include Hinton on the Green Christmas Fair at St Peters Church and Christmas Craft & Gift Fayre at Elmley Castle Village Hall.


Chocolate and Wine tasting evening by Corks of Evesham

Starting at 7pm - taste a delicious selection of wines alongside an indulgent chocolate themed tasting board. 

Book here

Sunday 27th November

K9 Hydrofit's Christmas Dog Walk

Enjoy this group Christmas dog walk

£5 per dog with a free Bandana for each dog. (subject to availability)

Christmas wear optional (humans)

Meeting in the Valley carpark to start at 11am ( not the shops carpark) Hot drinks and mince pies available after.

All proceeds to go towards the aquatic treadmill and a donation to a local charity.

Find out more

Friday 2nd December

Evesham Adventure Playground Christmas Market

Starting at 6.30pm this event is always great for the kids with a Christmas Light Trail and a chance to meet the main man himself at Santa's Grotto!

Lots of stalls and refreshments available.

Honeybourne Christmas Craft Fayre

5.30pm - 8.30pm

Including the village Christmas tree light switch on, there will be Carol singing, meet santa, a raffle, and gifts galore! Food will also be available.

Saturday 3rd December

There will be a Christmas Market at the War Memorial Village Hall, Cleeve Prior 10am - 1pm

Selling gifts, cakes, bag stall and refreshments. All proceeds will go to St Andrews Church.

Hampton Ferry Christmas Fayre

Hampton Ferry's annual Christmas Fayre on Saturday 3rd December 2022, this year supports Roundabout Evesham, the Blackminster based furniture rescue charity. 

For the evening there is the Evesham Community Choir Christmas Concert at Evesham Methodist Church starting 7pm

Tickets £7.00 to include interval refreshments

Phone 07519 833720 or email ecctickets@gmail.com

Saturday 10th December

Austen Court Craft Fair

Austen court in Evesham are holding a Christmas fair and would really appreciate your support. It’s open to the public so please come along, see what the stalls have to offer. 

They will also have hot drinks and cakes and some lovely ladies are coming along to sing from Vale Connection (Ladies Chorus)

The farm Animal Sanctuary Festive Fair

A festive evening at this amazing sanctuary based in Middle Littleton, with plenty of fun for all the family and lots of treats on offer!

They will have vegan food from Huns Vegan Food, craft and gift stalls, a grotto scene with sweets from Santa for children, live music and of course meet the animals!

A great family evening out!

Prices: Adults – £3, Children under 14 – £2.50

Please remember to wear outdoor footwear and warm clothes!

Book here

For something a little different The Almonry has a Craft Christmas event on Saturday 10th December 2pm-5pm

Get into the festive spirit with a crafty workshop and make your own decorated book fold Christmas tree.

£5 per person, suitable for 7+ years (children must be supervised)

Booking is essential, limited spaces available.

For more info

Evesham Winter Ball

A great choice for your companies Christmas party or a memorable night to have with your friends at the Evesham town hall. Black tie event £25 per ticket or £200 for a table that sits 10 people. Free bubbly on arrival, bar, buffet, live music and a DJ.

All proceeds support Freedom Day Centre. Call 01386 830043 between 9am-4pm mon-fri to book your tickets.

Sunday 11th December

Christmas Concert by Bretforton Silver Band 


Bretforton Silver Bands annual Christmas concert at The Henrician, Evesham. A great way to get you in the festive spirit! 

Tickets cost £10

Book here

Tickets are also available from the Tracey Sollis shop, Library arcade, Evesham

Wednesday 14th December

Christmas Concert at The Almonry 

Celebrate the season and join a festive concert of traditional music with Musyck Anon and Pease Pottage in the beautiful setting of the Almonry.

Starts 7pm

Tickets £7.50 in advance or on the door.

For more info

Friday 16th December

Solstice and Carols Celebration

Hosted by Rotary in the Vale and the Parish Church of All Saints, this celebration is in aid of homeless charities and Caring Hands in the Vale.

7.00pm for 7.30pm start.

Tickets cost £15 and are available at the link below or can be purchased from The Almonry.

Book here


Big Fish Little Fish Christmas Family Rave

Sunday 11th December

1pm -3pm

Join award-winning, Glastonbury Festival playing, family-rave sensation, Big Fish Little Fish for a festive skank out! Expect a nightclub environment with club lighting (no strobes) and dnb tunes, bubbles, confetti cannons and a certain Mr. Claus will lead the giant parachute dance! All music is played at a safe level for little ears.

‘Reliably excellent’ – The Guardian

All ages are very welcome, but activities are designed with 0-8 years olds in mind.

There will be…..

* Multi-sensory dancefloor filled with confetti cannons, bubbles, snow, balloons and our fab parachute dance finale

* Festive craft activities

* Toddler Area - tents, tunnels and megablocks

* Baby chillout area - mats, small ball pool and toys

* Licensed bar

Christmas fancy dress is optional but encouraged!

Book here

Acorn Adventures

For children aged 1-5years (although older siblings are welcome to join)

Acorn Adventures outdoor play are running every Friday in the run up to Christmas with Christmas themed crafts and activities. Also the main man himself has taken time out of his busy schedule to pay a visit on the 20th and 22nd December.

Book here

Keep a look out in December for more Christmas blogs on Evesham Noticeboard!

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