Minty is a local medium & tarot card reader. When we first met he told me there was quite the under ground spiritual community in Evesham. I had recently been questioning this & his comments gave me hope.
I started to meet more people who were on their own spiritual journey, people started walking into my classes & reaching out to me via email or Facebook more, people I had never heard of before. Many with wonderfully diverse but equally fascinating spiritual, cosmic even experiences or beliefs.
But I only realized this when I sat down to write this piece. The catalyst for these beautiful souls coming into my time & space was this conversation with Minty. He gave me hope & hope opened up the space for more people on a similar but different journey to me to come into my life.
When we met next he told me about his ability, how it was nurtured. We of course talked about energy because essentially he skill, his craft, his ability is to see & interpret energy. It’s not a gift as such because everyone can do it but it has been conditioned out of most of us by society & generations who have not honed their own abilities.
But Minty’s Nan saw her abilities in her grandson.
She saw him talking to her brothers when he was only 5 years old. She knew what she could see but she wondered if Minty saw the same so she asked him, ‘Who are you talking to?’
‘Uncle Tom & Uncle Fred’
I forget their real names, that’s not important.
What is important is that they had both died before Minty was born.
His Nan asked him what they looked like & he described them perfectly.
Minty’s Nan nurtured & nourished Minty’s ability although he laughs he could never master tea leaves much to her dismay! These skills she had learnt from her mum & her mum before her & so on for generations.
Minty went on to explain that all he can do is see, perceive, hear, feel, smell, sense energy.
And everything is energy. We are all energy. We exist in a very material world but quantum science supports the view that we are more energy than matter. We used to be more consciously aware, more intuitive & in tune with nature, connected to our bodies & as such our energy was higher & we would have found it easier to perceive energy.
But it has been conditioned out of us & this art is no longer available to us all. Minty likened it to art & drawing. Not all of us are artists but we can all pick up a pen.
Minty is an artist of intuition & energy.
We’d just sat down to our meeting when a woman sat on the table next to us leaned over & asked Minty if he remembered doing a reading at her house with 4 other friends. Of course he did. She asked if he remembered telling them they’d have a baby in the family, a baby boy. Of course he did. She said, ‘My sister is having a baby & they just found out they were having a boy.’
And that’s what I love about these things – the little synchronicities that pop up just to remind you. She may have forgotten what Minty had told her if she hadn’t randomly bumped into him yesterday.
I asked Minty if he had any messages for me. ‘I’m not trying to get a freebie reading, I just think I can’t write about this without experiencing it.’
He asked for something of mine as he also practices Psychometry, known as token-object reading. It is a form of extrasensory perception characterized by making observations of someone by using an object close to subject to channel these messages.
I didn’t have any jewellery on, I don’t own a watch, all I had was my purse. He rubbed his hands over the purse & asked me if I had a big move planned, I was moving?
Er nope.
I tried to stay poker faced. Although I absolutely believed in his ability what he said didn’t really resonate & I didn’t want to give anything away, which is daft because I believe it is all energy, so my poker face ain’t going to defeat to the Universe, Quantum, energy.
I was planning garden renovations; he must have sensed my energy rise because I have been talking with a friend who is very green fingered about this as a project over the summer.
You’re very green fingered & love having your hands in the soil.
Er very much nope. It is one of those mindful activities I know has SO many positive health benefits but gardening to me is housework. But I have definitely been fantasizing about making my garden more zen.
He gave me some other pointers about things that will be resolved that do monopolise my energy & thoughts. I thought I had a much better handle on them. Minty asked why I had been feeling anxious. I said I didn’t think I had been. I thought I’d been keeping those anxious thoughts at bay. But it was a timely reminder about watching the energy of those thoughts as there was obviously enough anxious energy whirling around surrounding these things for him to pick up on.
But it also gave me some hope about things being resolved & maybe even sooner than I imagined.
And that’s the crux of it, I believe it’s all about belief & hope, trust & surrender. Because I have hope, my vibration is higher so my matches are going to be higher & things may well get resolved by then. If I trust & believe in it, it’s so much easier to just let it go & surrender, creating space for things to change.
I was a little sceptical even as I returned home. The house thing was bugging me til I realised my dream is to buy the house we currently rent & because I can start to see & believe in that as a reality I have been imagining, visualising what I’d do to the house if we can. It will be a massive reno job, need under-pinning, the works. That was the energy Minty picked up on. The dreams & imaginings about what if’s because they are so high vibrational.
What I found equally interesting was Minty steered away from obvious things like messages from my Dad, who died decades ago, or messages about my business, they were subtle messages that were possibly easy to dismiss.
But I took some time to reflected on it all, little things he’d said that had almost been a throw-away comment I may have missed if I hadn’t taken some time to do this. I noticed how there was a grain of truth, a whisper of energy in everything Minty had picked up on. It was very interesting, fascinating even.
Minty said really all he does is give people hope. But that’s the power of hope: it can change your energy which changes your life. That’s the power of hope - it is a huge gift.