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Evesham's September Feel Good Newsletter

Evesham's September Feel Good Newsletter

Welcome to the September Edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter!!!

Wow! Can you believe we're in September already? As the kids go back to school, the summer will soon seem like a distant memory. September also marks the start of autumn, a season often associated with change and renewal, it's a wonderful time to explore new opportunities in our town. Whether you're trying out a new eatery, discovering hidden gems in our charity shops, or simply enjoying the crisp, cooler days, there's a sense of transformation in the air.

But as the days grow shorter and the weather cools, we understand that this time of year can also bring challenges, especially with the removal of the winter fuel allowance and with threats of a difficult budget ahead. If you or someone you know could use a helping hand, remember that support is available through grants from John Martin’s Charity, as well as local food banks. Please don't hesitate to reach out—our community is here for you.

On a brighter note, we're excited to highlight the upcoming Love Evesham Awards which we'll be hosting in November. The awards give us the opportunity to celebrate the unsung heroes and thriving businesses that make our town special - you can read more about how to nominate and vote your favourites below. Speaking of thriving businesses, our business spotlight this month shines on wonderful Wedstones. Be sure to read more about them in our feature below.

We’re also thrilled to introduce some new business members this month—don’t forget to check them out! And if you’re a podcast enthusiast, you'll love our latest episode with Alex and Victoria, now available on all major streaming platforms.

Thank you for being an essential part of our community. We hope you find this newsletter both informative and inspiring, and as always if you'd like to contribute a story for next month - please let us know!


If you know or run a business in the Evesham, Pershore or Broadway area then you are invited to join our unique advertising platform. Please visit https://www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk/join. Many business owners are enjoying the low cost but hugely supportive and connecting digital advertising. 

Want to get involved: 

  • Share your feel-good stories, events, and news with us! We love to hear from the community. ️Email Katie hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk
  • Visit our website and social media pages for even more Evesham, Pershore and Broadway goodness.
  • Spread the word! Invite your friends and neighbours to join our growing community.
  • If you are looking for a trader or service please do check out our local and recommended trades and services. We only champion the best! www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk to find what you are looking for.

Together, let's make the Vale an even more vibrant and connected place!

Happy reading and remember Keep it local readers!

Kind 'Keeping it local' Regards
Katie Gilbert

Love Evesham Awards 2024!!!

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Calling all Evesham residents! It's that time of year again – the Love Evesham Awards are back for 2024 and we need your nominations so that we can celebrate the incredible businesses and members of our community that make Evesham
a vibrant and thriving place.

And that's not all! The Love Evesham Awards also celebrate our wonderful community champions, including charities and charitable opportunities, and the work they do to help people in Evesham and the Vale.

This is your chance to nominate your local heroes to recognise their achievements here in the Vale of Evesham.

 You can nominate 
your community heroes here 

 Show some love and nominate a local Business here 

You need to do it by the 20th September. We'll then put together a shortlist in each category and voting will be open for residents from
 27th September to 18th October.

The winners will be announced at our sparkling Love Evesham Awards Ceremony on 2nd November at Evesham United Football Club.

Nominate Your Heroes Now

Town Rallies around local butchers

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Did you see the recent post about Phil's Craft Butchery. Phil, the owner of Phil's Craft Butchery in Blackminster, put out an appeal for help and received a superb response from our amazing community!

It all started a few weeks ago when things came to a head for Phil. His new business was struggling to find its footing, with low footfall and rising costs so he took to his Facebook page to announce the grim reality: if things didn't turn around, he'd have to close his doors.

Little did he know that his post would have such a large reaction. Our community rallied behind the butcher and shared his plea far and wide. Here on Evesham Noticeboard Facebook Group it sparked a lot of interest with group members helping to spread the word like wildfire. The next morning, Phil was met with a sight that left him speechless. A queue of eager customers, many of whom were new faces, waiting for him to open up. The shop was so overwhelmed with support that Phil nearly ran out of stock! 6485cd23 b579 4007 b488 3f76e3659398

Thanks to the heartwarming response, Phil's outlook on the future of his business has taken a turn for the better. While it's still a long road ahead, the initial boost in customers has given him renewed hope. The experience has shown Phil that even a small business can make a big impact on a community, and he's grateful for the support he's received.

He commented on his Facebook page: "I’d like to thank all the new people who gave me a try and of course all the hardened regulars who I’ve got to know over the last yeah and look forward to seeing.

Also thank you to all the people who offered advertising and marketing help amongst ither things. More kind people out there than I ever thought. "

You'll also be seeing more of Phil on our website and Facebook page over the next few weeks as we've agreed to help him out too!

Take a look at his Facebook page to check out his amazing selection of meats including his famous Bavette Steak Pinwheels.

Follow on Facebook

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Green Flag Award for Evesham Parks

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Two of Evesham's beautiful parks have been awarded prestigious Green Flags. "The Green Flag Award® scheme recognises and rewards well managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for the management of recreational outdoor spaces across the United Kingdom and around the world." 

The scheme aims:

  • To ensure that everybody has access to quality green and other open spaces, irrespective of where they live.
  • To ensure that these spaces are appropriately managed and meet the needs of the communities that they serve.
  • To establish standards of good management.
  • To promote and share good practice amongst the green space sector.
  • To recognise and reward the hard work of managers, staff and volunteers.

To achieve the standards required to win the award is a huge achievement and we congratulate the Wychavon Park Team and their contractors who have worked tirelessly to maintain these beautiful parks and ensure that our community can enjoy their benefits for years to come.

We are so fortunate to have such beautiful parks on our doorstop with stunning scenary, wonderful riverside location, fun-filled play areas and delightful gardens bursting with colourful blooms. They are a lovely to place to visit and whether you're seeking a peaceful stroll, a family day out, or a picnic in the sun, these award-winning green spaces have something for everyone.

On their Facebook page, Wychavon commented, "Since 2020, we've invested £1.5 million to enhance our parks and open spaces!  From new water play areas to pump tracks and upgraded football courts, we're committed to creating amazing spaces for everyone to enjoy!"

Evesham Town Council also has a project to improve several areas of the town for nature. This will include, amongst other things, planting wildflower seeds, bulbs and plants.

If you are interested in getting involved and helping with some of the planting, please contact the Town Council by phone on 01386 565700 or by email, council@eveshamtowncouncil.gov.uk

Want to help make the parks even better? Take Wychavon's short parks survey (link below) and tell them what you think and how they could improve the parks further. 

Take the Survey

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Evesham Adventure Playground Secures £300k Grant for New Community Hub

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In August, we saw some fantastic news for local Evesham Charity, Evesham Adventure Playground Association. Thanks to the hard work and efforts of staff, volunteers and supporters, the charity has been awarded a community Legacy Grant for £300,000 towards the redevelopment of the site which also includes a new purpose-built community hub.

The new community hub will include two halls for hire, consultation rooms, a sensory space and a kitchen with toilets whilst the old hub will be repurposed into a home for a bike recycling project and a community pantry.

It's an amazing achievement for the group who have also been awarded a £20,000 grant by the National Lottery community fund, and £5,000 from Lidl for new kitchen facilities   

Despite this, there's still a lot of work to do and much more will be needed to fully fund the project. The charity is also looking for other types of help too.

"If you or your company can support us - perhaps you can contribute materials, donate plant hire or otherwise help us to get the most out of the money we raise - then do please get in touch"

Well done to Evesham Adventure Playground Association for their success, we will keep an eye on their progress and help you stay up to date.

Want to see the association's plans?

View Evesham Adventure Playgrounds Community Hub Plans

Help promote our town, support local businesses and encourage visitors!

If you have attended an Evesham event, had an enjoyable lunch or maybe a good shopping experience this year, then lets tell the world about it! Well we can share it online in our Facebook groups and another great way to encourage visitors and support businesses is to leave reviews on Trip Advisor or other main review platforms including google reviews!

Why not have a positive impact and if you enjoyed the free events, a lovely lunch then tell everyone, why? It helps our local economy, it encourages out side investors, in promotes small businesses way more that they can ever and its a good thing to do. If you love where you live, but would like to see it thrive and do better, then leave a review! Takes two seconds and will mean so much.

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Evesham's Mayor Monthly Diary

A word from Mayor Robbie...

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Community Podcast Vale Matters Releases 

Latest Episode

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Have you had a chance to listen to our latest podcast yet?

We've just recorded our 12th podcast and it's one you won't want to miss.

In the latest episode, we talk all things yoga, reiki, and sound baths with two local experts, Alex Bannard & Victoria Milnes. We even get to experience hearing the resonant tones of the crystal chimes used in a sound bath.

Both our ladies run businesses that focus on self-care and mindfulness and are incredibly passionate about what they do. In our podcast, we learn more about how and why they decided to train in their respective services and what they offer.

Alex and Victoria will also be sharing news about a new collaboration they are working on with fellow confidence coach Sarah Snape. The new Women's Circle takes place on 23rd September and provides a safe space for women who want to feel seen & heard, connected & supported, free & empowered, ready to embrace who they really are & release who they think they should be.

To listen to the podcast on Spotify, click the link below.

Listen Now

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Charity Spotlight: John Martin's Trust

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Every month we shine a light on one local charity which is playing its part to help the community. This month, that spotlight lands on the John Martin's Trust - one of Evesham's Oldest Charities.

Who was John Martin?

John Martin was a local yeoman farmer who lived in the Hampton area during the 17th and 18th Centuries. Upon his death he established various trusts demonstrating his desire for children and young people to have a Christian upbringing and a good education. He also wanted to help those in need and made specific bequests to provide support for the poor in the parishes of Hampton, Bengeworth, St Lawrence, and All Saints'. Bequests were also made to the clergy, and for the education of poor children including the ‘setting out yearly of Boys and Girls apprenticeships’.

The funds from the trust came from some 92 acres of land he owned that was rented out through agricultural and market gardening tenancies. Then as the town expanded, some of the land was sold for development the money from which was invested and continues to derive an income to this day which forms the charity's main capital.

Who does the charity help today?

Fast forward to the 21st century and the charity's objectives have remained unchanged. The charity helps:

Families and individuals

Grants may be available for the benefit of children, families, individuals, the disabled, and anyone who is on a low income or who has fallen on hard times due to a variety of circumstances.

Educational Grants

Students can apply for help in the form of grants towards the cost of extra-curricular activities, attending University or College, and for Standard of Excellence Awards.

Groups and Organisations

Organisations and groups, both large and small, can apply for assistance if they help the residents of Evesham.

Pensioners and those in ill-health

If you live in the Town of Evesham or in one of the designated parishes close to Evesham and are suffering chronic ill health, assistance may be available. Help may be available for pensioners towards their winter heating costs.

To find out more or to apply for a grant, use the link below.

Apply for Help*

*Eligibility requirements may apply

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Evesham Noticeboard Dementia Fundraiser


Evesham Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA) needs your help!

The charity is currently trying to raise £1000 for much needed musical and cognitive equipment for the dementia meeting centre (currently run by EDMHSS).

If you could make a donation to help us raise the £1000 it would mean so much.

And if dementia has affected you or your loved ones in the past or present please get in touch with the group directly or listen to June's podcast, where we talk to Evesham Dementia Action Alliance

Click the link below to donate.


Donate Now

Battle of Evesham Festival Makes 

Triumphant Return!!!

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The Battle of Evesham Festival returned with a bang in August, drawing an estimated 40,000 visitors over the weekend – making it the most successful event since its inception.

Crown Meadows transformed into a 13th-century spectacle, complete with authentic stalls, delicious food, and over 735 reenactors. The Grand Parade on Saturday kicked off the festivities, with hundreds of reenactors marching through the town before recreating the iconic Battle of Evesham in the main arena.

The Battle of Evesham, fought on August 4, 1265, was a pivotal moment in English history, marking the defeat of Simon de Montfort and the rebellious barons by the future King Edward I.

It was an awe-inspiring event and its success is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the organisers, volunteers, and reenactors who brought this historic event to life. Thank you so much to you all for all your hard work in arranging this amazing festival!

Learn more

Evesham Goes Quackers For Scarecrows??!

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August saw the return of the Evesham Scarecrow Festival in aid of the Alzheimer's society return to Hampton Ferry with the help of Avon River Activities- Evesham.

The scarecrows were also joined by some ducks for the Rotary in the Vale's Duck Race.

Visitors were able to participate in a scarecrow building workshop with a chance to win the prestigious 'King of the Crows' competition which was later judged by the Mayor of Evesham, Robbie Raphael, and they could also shop with the various stallholders that were present. There were also free kids activities including a mini-maze, garden games, and a colouring competition, or families could pay for a wristband to go on the available inflatables.

There was something for the older ones too and adults were able to bask in the sunshine whilst enjoying a cider as part of Hampton Ferry Cider Festival whilst listening to the sound of live music by the Lizards, Joe Duncan and Jess Dixon. 

The Rotary's duck race also was hugely successful and Rotary members were still fishing out the missing ducks days later.

It was a brilliant day which was well supported by the community and we hope to see it return next year.

Join the Rotary Club

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Love Our Evesham Charity Shops Week 

SHOP – DONATE – VOLUNTEERa626d158 8241 48d8 8c0e 2024b743cb05This September, we mark Love Our Charity Shops Week during the week of 20th - 27th September. Evesham is home to a great selection of charity shops, from local charities fundraising for local causes to national charities raising funds for research into specific health conditions. 

Charity shops play a key role in fundraising in the community, providing opportunities for supporters to donate goods, volunteer their time, and raise awareness of their cause. They can also be an affordable option for those looking for good-quality clothes and toys.

As part of our Love Charity Shops week, we wanted to shine a light on these shops, share who they are raising money for, why, and how. To get involved, share what treasures you have found in Evesham’s charity shops and use the tags #LoveEvesham #Loveourcharityshops (#loveeveshamcharityshops)


Charity shops are a great asset to our community and deserve to be celebrated! They provide a place for people wishing to gain work experience, become part of a community, get out of the house, and feel more valued. Volunteering can also help individuals gain valuable retail experience, enhancing their job skills. They appeal to the retired or semi-retired who just want to give something back by donating a few hours a week. To find out what opportunities are available in our local charity shops, contact them directly.


Charity shops accept donations of a vast range of items which can be used in all areas of your life! If you’re looking for something different, want to impress your friends at your next get-together, or dream of being the next Andy Murray, charity shops are a great place to look for inspiration. And they’re not just for adults—many feature a fantastic selection of toys, perfect if you’re trying to save money for Christmas or want a few toys to keep at your house for when the grandkids visit. Evesham has an amazing selection of charity shops with everything you could ever need. Check them out next time you’re in town.


One of the best things about charity shops is that they take your unused goods and sell them on, using the money made toward a noble cause. Donating your items is more sustainable and it’s the perfect way to give your unwanted items a whole new lease on life while also reducing the amount of barely-used items that end up in landfill. Lost weight and have a load of clothes you don’t wear anymore? Own a set of plates that rarely gets used? Surrounded by toy clutter? If so, and if it’s in great condition, why not consider donating it to a charity shop? After all, as they say, “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”

Check out our guide below to our local charity shops!

Check Out Our Guide to Evesham's Charity Shops

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Places to Dine Out in Evesham

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Have you been out to Eat or Drink recently in Evesham and the Vale? We have so many wonderful options right on our doorstep regardless of your taste. With everything from traditional English fayre to Indian and Italian food, we really do have something for everyone no matter what time of day it is. Why not try somewhere new next time you are looking to meet up with friends?

Here's our top pick of recommended Evesham Noticeboard noticeboard members along with what they're known for:

Hampton Ferry - Café serving classic fayre and Sunday lunches, 

Stirrups - Famous for its cocktails, burgers, and belly bites

The Red Lion - Fantastic real ale pub

The Trumpet Inn - Tasty English pub food menu

Tequila and Lime - Serving Mexican & Tex-Mex cuisine along with amazing cocktails

Fleece Inn - Traditional Historic pub with menu containing local dishes

Casa La Cucina Italiana - Italian food

Cornmill Yard - café offering selection of cakes and a lunchtime menu

Evesham Secret tea room - Serves sandwiches and afternoon tea

Feltons Bistro and Fine Wine - Bistro serving fine food sourced locally

Karma - Indian restaurant with great menu options

Rise & Grind - café open for hot/cold breakfast and lunches, plus Sunday roast

Spudman - Famous for Jacket potatoes, hot baps, and sandwiches

Cycle With Pals Open Day

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Evesham Noticeboard - Now also on TikTok

We've recently signed up for a Tiktok account so if you are a fellow TikTok user - please give us a follow.

We'll be using Tiktok to upload videos sharing more about our town, the local businesses, charities and events.

The team are also looking forward to jumping on current trends and having fun.

To follow us, scan the QR code or click the link below.


What's on in Evesham and The Vale this month

To find out what's going on this month in Evesham, check out our weekly pinned post on the Evesham Noticeboard Facebook page.

Looking for something fun to do? Check out our regularly updated list of things to do in Evesham.

Add your Event

Regular Events Hosted at 

Venues Across Evesham

Want to find out what's on at venues near you? Check out the links below to find out when you can enjoy live bands, quizzes, food nights and so much more!!!


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New Members This Month

LB Network

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Connecting you with solutions. Full WiFi coverage -Networking - Telecoms faults & modifications - Smart home equipment installs & more!

Phil's Craft Butchery

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Local Blackminster Craft Butchery supplying a good selection of meats for home and businesses.

Visit Now

Business Dates for Your Diary

Non League Networking - Thursday 26th September 12-2pm EUFC - £10 for ENB Members


Business Spotlight - Wedstones

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In this month’s newsletter, we’re thrilled to cast our glowing business spotlight on Wedstones, a fine jeweller that has quickly become the go-to destination for couples seeking the perfect engagement and wedding rings. With a reputation for exquisite craftsmanship, personalised service, and ethical sourcing, Wedstones is more than just a jewellers – it’s a local treasure.

The Wedstones Vision

Wedstones was founded in 2017 by Leon Rhodes, a seasoned expert in the fine jewellery industry. With years of experience under his belt and even a stint as a judge at the prestigious UK Jewellery Awards in 2018, Leon noticed a troubling trend in the industry: customers weren’t always fully aware of what they were paying for in terms of quality and had no idea of the origins of the precious metals or stones. Determined to change this, he launched Wedstones with a clear vision – to offer high-quality, ethically sourced jewellery, crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

Why choose Wedstones?

What sets Wedstones apart is Leon’s unwavering commitment to quality. All metals used are of the highest grade, ensuring that every piece is hypoallergenic, durable, and designed to stand the test of time. By working with two select manufacturers, Leon guarantees that each material is of the finest quality, far surpassing what you’d typically find at a high-street retailer. His diamonds, whether natural or lab-grown, adhere to the Kimberley Process, ensuring they are conflict-free. This dedication to ethical sourcing is further validated by accreditations from both the GIA and NAJ, solidifying Wedstones’ place as a jeweller you can trust.951990a1 9004 4a03 9726 25d85a43a11f

A Truly Personalised Experience

Leon’s passion for his craft is evident in every aspect of Wedstones. Originally, he began by visiting clients in their homes, offering a highly personalised service that quickly garnered attention. But within just three months and with word spreading, the demand for his services had grown so much that Leon made the decision to open a dedicated showroom in Evesham. This intimate setting allows clients to experience Wedstones' extensive range of bespoke designs in a relaxed environment, guided by Leon’s expert advice.

At Wedstones, no detail is too small. Whether you’re looking to design a one-of-a-kind engagement ring, repurpose a cherished heirloom, or repair and restore a beloved piece, Leon and his team are there to guide you through every step of the process. Clients can choose everything from the metal to the cut, clarity, and carat size of their stones, ensuring each piece is as unique as the person who wears it.

A Sparkling Future Ahead

Wedstones isn’t just about exquisite jewellery – it’s about building lasting relationships within the community. With every single online review boasting five stars, it’s clear that customers value the exceptional service they receive.

As for the future, Wedstones are currently putting the finishing touches on their new website. The new website offers guides to those researching jewellery and offers customisation options that simply aren’t available by allowing customers to design their own bespoke creations online. Leon also hopes that the website will allow him to reach more customers who are in need of his services. Additionally, Wedstones is also planning to broaden their current jewellery collection by introducing a variety of gemstones, offering even more choices for their discerning clients.

If you’re planning a wedding, you can meet Leon and his team at several upcoming wedding fairs this autumn, including events at Evesham Town Hall, Frogmill Hotel, Ellenborough Park, and the Hilton Hotel.

Alternatively, for the perfect piece of jewellery, an appointment at the Wedstones showroom offers a personalised touch that you won't find elsewhere. Use the link below to book your appointment and check out the collection online today!

Shop Now At Wedstones

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Historic Pub Used for Popular BBC TV Drama

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The charming Fleece Inn in Bretforton has once again stepped into the spotlight, serving as a filming location for the popular BBC series, Father Brown. The historic pub, a National Trust property, has long been a favourite among filmmakers, previously appearing in the BBC drama The Land Girls.

With its picturesque setting and traditional English pub atmosphere, the Fleece Inn provides the perfect backdrop for Father Brown's quaint village investigations. The inn's cozy interior and welcoming ambiance have undoubtedly captivated the production team, making it an ideal choice for filming scenes.

As camera crews, actors, and producers descended on the inn, the locals were treated to a glimpse of the magic of television production. The excitement of having a famous TV show filmed in their community was palpable, and the Fleece Inn undoubtedly played a starring role in the series.

We look forward to it airing on our screens soon.

To book a table at the Fleece or to find out what events they are hosting, you can check out the website via the link below.

Visit the Fleece Inn

KLA Taxis Launches New App

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Need a taxi in Evesham? KLA Taxis has got you covered with the launch of their new app which makes it easier than ever to book a taxi. The app is available for both Apple and Android phones - check it out now

Download Now

The Accountancy Office Celebrates 15 Years

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This year marks a special milestone for one of our beloved local businesses, The Accountancy Office, as they celebrate their 15th anniversary. Founded in 2009, this local gem has grown from humble beginnings into a cornerstone of our community, providing personalised bookkeeping and accounting services to many small businesses in the area.

The journey began in a spare bedroom, with a focus on offering quality, tailored services. Back then, the business world was quite different—online accounting software was just starting to emerge, and many clients still relied on manual records. Today, The Accountancy Office has adapted to the ever-changing landscape of accounting, expanding its services while staying true to its roots.

Reflecting on the past 15 years, the founder Sarah shares, "Running a business is never without its challenges, but the rewards have made it all worthwhile. I'm profoundly grateful for the support from our amazing clients, both past and present. Thanks to them and a lot of hard work, I’ve been able to build a career that allowed me to spend time with my family while doing a job that I love."

As we celebrate this significant achievement, let’s take a moment to appreciate the dedication and commitment that The Accountancy Office has shown to our community. Here’s to many more years of success and continued service to our local businesses.

A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of their journey!

Book an Appointment


Thanks for reading!

We hope you've enjoyed the September edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter. We are always looking for newsworthy stories for our newsletter so if you'd like to be featured or would like to contribute to next month's article please drop us a message to hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk

Big thanks to our admins and content creators at Evesham Noticeboard! 


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