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Evesham's May Feel Good Newsletter

Evesham's May Feel Good Newsletter

Welcome to the May Edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter!!!

Can you believe it's May already? Us neither.  Over the last few weeks we have been incredibly busy getting ready for the Love Evesham Day - the first ever event to celebrate our town, it's community and all the businesses. We were so excited to see everything finally come together and hopefully you were able to join us too. Look out for our next issue for a full writeup.

We're also pleased to see how much Evesham seems to be thriving, with more and more businesses opening or considering opening branches here in the town. Whilst high streets are ever changing and look very different from what they once were, its good to know businesses still feel like Evesham is worth investing in. 

Read on to find out more about one of Evesham's newest businesses - Felton's Bistro and Wine - that opened at the end of April and has created quite the buzz. 

In this months newsletter, we also find out about Evesham Adventure Playground Associations latest project, meet another of our business member - Hayley Reynolds, discover more about the inclusive cycling project taking place at the velo park and see what other events we have to look forward to later this year.

If you know or run a business in the Evesham, Pershore or Broadway area then you are invited to join our unique advertising platform. Please visit https://www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk/join. Many business owners are enjoying the low cost but hugely supportive and connecting digital advertising. 

Want to get involved: 

  • Share your feel-good stories, events, and news with us! We love to hear from the community. ️Email Katie hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk
  • Visit our website and social media pages for even more Evesham, Pershore and Broadway goodness.
  • Spread the word! Invite your friends and neighbours to join our growing community.
  • If you are looking for a trader or service please do check out our local and recommended trades and services. We only champion the best! www.eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk to find what you are looking for.

Together, let's make the Vale an even more vibrant and connected place!

Happy reading and remember Keep it local readers!

Kind 'Keeping it local' Regards
Katie Gilbert

Evesham Blooms Again!!!

@credit to Laureen WallaceThe Wychavon park teams have been hard at work in recent weeks and the results are blooming marvellous. 

The Abbey park in particular is looking stunning with the flower beds full of colour - it really does look amazing with flowers for as far as the eye can see. The flower beds and lawns are always well maintained - and with Evesham's upcoming festivals just around the corner, it's good that Evesham's parks are looking on top form.

Evesham in Bloom is also set to return for the first time after several years hiatus - as always we'll let you know the details once we have them so keep an eye out on the Facebook page.

Amazing work Wychavon Parks and thank you for taking so much pride in what you do.

Follow the Wychavon Parks team

Locals run in London Marathon

Huge Congratulations and a big pat on the back to our 3 amazing London Marathon participants Sarah Sallis, Duncan Day and Marcus Mumford. They did Evesham and the Vale proud and are true heroes!

Sarah Sallis

Sarah Sallis has watched the London Marathon since she was a child and always wanted to take part.
She finally got her big chance in 2023 although due to illness and injury, she deferred entry by one year.
In January she started the London Marathon Beginners Training Plan.  Sarah trained by herself and it was hard going mentally and physically doing the longer runs solo but she stuck with it.
Sarah decided to run for Mesothelioma UK in memory of her Dad, Roger Dutton, who lost his life to the disease at just 57 years old in 2016.
The day didn’t go to plan due to injury but Sarah decided she'd done too much training to withdraw and as she says, she's not getting any younger so who knows whether she'll get another chance. 
The marathon started off well and she was aiming for 6 hrs 30 minutes finish but after five miles or so, I really struggled with my hamstring so ended up mainly walking - it was the only way I was going to get round! 
Sarah finished in 8 hours and was just grateful to have made it round in one piece as some didn’t. 
Along the way she also met so many wonderful and inspiring people. The crowds were amazing and so supportive! It was like a very, very long street party! 

Sarah said, "I’m actually feeling a little sad that it’s all over now and it’s taken a while for everything to sink in. I couldn’t walk properly for a couple of days but it was worth it!"

When asked if she would do it again? She replied "Yes" But she'd want to allow more time for training including strength training as its so important. 

"I’m not a typical runner but I definitely recommend a marathon to anyone. Running is for everyone and runners come in all shapes and sizes, it’s a far more inclusive sport these days and the “Jeffing” method reduces the risk of injury and is based on walk/run/walk intervals which I highly recommend to anyone getting into running."

To donate to Mesothelioma UK tap the link below.

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Duncan Day

Duncan Day ran the London Marathon for Health Poverty Action - a charity dedicated to helping provide medical care to those that are unable to get it in their country.

We are lucky in this country that we have the NHS but if we were ever to lose it then we could be forced to make the choice of putting food on the table or paying for medical care.

Duncan believes in helping others if he is able to do so as you never know when you will be in the same situation.

He's been training by going out 3 or 4 times a week along with walking several miles a day in his job as a postman.

Duncan says, he loved every minute of the race despite the pain in his hip and knee towards the end. The support he received from complete strangers was fantastic but seeing his girlfriend at the Tower of London and then some other friends a bit further along was a huge morale boost.

The London crowds were absolutely fantastic, and gave him a boost when times were getting hard and he needed to dig deep.

The bands and DJ's along the route most definitely helped as did the signs people held which made him smile. He says he had, "plenty of Whines but I didn't get any Wine."

His fellow runners were also amazing. Duncan says he passed rhinos, people pushing wheelchairs even two people carrying fridges - one of which even proposed to their girlfriend outside Big Ben. From walkers to the elite - every single one of them was amazing!

Duncan ended up finishing in 5 hours and 15 minutes.

Duncan says he now aches and expects to for a few more days yet. He's also expecting to be a toenail short by the end of the week but he thinks it was well worth it.

He's also got some amazing memories and has already entered the ballot for next year.

If you'd like to donate to Health Poverty action, tap the link below.

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Marcus Mumford

Marcus Mumford ran the London Marathon for Wateraid - a charity dedicated to providing clean water, decent toilets and good sanitation for poorest communities in the world that need them the most. Marcus believes everyone should be able to access clean drinking water, decent toilets and good hygiene yet there is still lots of work to be done in the world's poorest communities as 1:10 people on the planet still don't have access to clean drinking water.  

Marcus has been a supporter of wateraid for many years and 10 years ago he had the pleasure of becoming the fastest person to run a marathon while dressed as a toilet. 

To mark the 10th anniversary of this achievement, Marcus decided to attempt to win the Guinness World Record for running a marathon dressed as a tap.

Marcus commented, "London is a very special race, the greatest marathon in the world, and each time I run it the atmosphere seems to get better and better. This year the crowds were incredible and almost overwhelming in places! But being in costume takes the support to a whole new level as it felt like everyone was shouting "GO TAP!" as I ran past."

Once Marcus crossed the line an official from Guinness confirmed he'd set a new world record at 3 hours and ten minutes (20 minutes faster thant the previous record) madking him the worlds fastest tap. He says, "I'll never forget the feelings of relief and elation from that moment."

Marcus completed the marathon in 3 hours and 10 minutes (which was 20 minutes faster than the previous world record) winning the Guiness World Record for world's fastest tap. 

When I asked Marcus if he would do it again next year, he said, "If you'd asked me at the finish if I'd do it again I may have given a different answer but now that I've recovered I'm sure I'll be back to do it again. I just need to decide which costume to run in next!"

If you'd like to donate to Wateraid, tap the link below.

Donate Now

Interested in running your first marathon? Evesham Town 10k takes place in July of each year - why not sign up and give it a try!!!

Evesham Adventure Playground Association 

Needs Your Help!

The team at Evesham Adventure Playground has recently applied for grant funding from the Community Legacy Fund but they need your Support.

Evesham Adventure Playground, is an amazing asset to our community with so much on offer including wraparound childcare, holiday and youth clubs, bicycle recyling and repair, a community pantry, meeting space for local groups, open access play and the adventure playground.

Unfortunately, the main building is over 30 years old and is really starting to show its age. It's an expensive building to heat and the layout and size just don't work as well as it could do. The plan is to build a new purpose-built low carbon, mutifunctional centre with different sizes of hall for hire, drop-in rooms for advice clinics, health screening, blood donation sessions etc. which will foster social cohesion, promote educational initiatives, and support various community activities.

As well as building the new community hub, the team would also like to repair and refurbish the existing main building to make better use of the space. The newly remodeled space would provide a better home for the pantry and bikes, a new upstairs area, additional space for different services, and the facilities there would also be upgraded. 

By expanding the space, the team will be able to extend the capacity and flexibility of what they currently offer and its really needed. Since opening the community has flourished in size and diversity whilst the center has remained largely unchanged. To continue in their efforts they need this space but all of this work doesn't come cheap!

The team intends to seek grants from the National Lottery, the government, local and national charities, but first they need community support and so they are conducting a community consultation with the town council. Through the consultation they want to establish that there is enough support for this project, get feedback from the community and work out how to keep the community engaged throughout the process.

For more details and to show your support, visit the link below.

Offer Your Views

Gin Festival Success

Congratulations to the team at HenTony Gin who recently hosted the very first Evesham Gin Festival at Evesham boathouse.

The event was a big success with lots of positive feedback, so much so that team are now considering hosting another Gin Festival!

We look forward to seeing the event return in the future!

Shop Now At HenTony Gin

Is your home ready for bbq season?

With warmer weather (hopefully!) on its way, it's time to spruce up your home and garden ready to start hosting family and friends for barbeque season.

This month, Evesham Noticeboard member Cannins offer us their top tips on how you clean up your outside space ready to start entertaining.

1. Sweep down all you hard services with a good stiff broom and use wire brushes for inbetween patio stones and in cracks

2. Use regular weedkiller in cracks and spaces between slabs to stop weeds from growing

3. If you have a pressure washer use this and a project such as wet and protect for a good finish

4. If pressure washing block paving remove sand and resand using either a brick kiln sand or an anti-weed sand.

5. Do not use bleach on decking or limestone paving as it can damage the surface

Not sure you want to DIY this job? Cleaning your patio or decking can be a bigger job and take longer than you expected! Why not call in the professionals for a deep, professional high grade clean in half the time? Just contact Cannins - The exterior cleaning company.

Once the patio is looking spic 'n' span, why not consider making those windows looking sparkly clean or carrying out some home improvements.

Window cleaning is available through two of our members, Tower Pro Cleaning & Cannins and they'll have your windows looking clean in no time at all.

And if it's home improvements or maintenance jobs, then Cotswold Home Maintenance may also be able to help with your project.

Plus don't forget once all the works are done and you just want to sit back and relax,  check out the showroom at Outdoorology - part of the Hot Tubs Rock brand - when you're ready to upgrade your outside furniture (or rent / buy a hot tub).

British Asparagus Season Kicks Off 

St George's Day saw the launch of the British Asparagus Festival in the Vale. The festival, which runs from 23rd April to 21st June, celebrates Evesham's favourite vegetable  - Asparagus!

A bundle of the first 100 asparagus grown in the Vale was paraded around the area, starting from the Fleece Inn in Bretforton where there was music, morris dancing and appearances by Gus the Asparagus Man and St George himself. Classic car enthusiasts also gathered for a morning meet-up but the festivities didn't stop there with more entertainment continuing into the evening at the Fleece Inn.

The asparagus parade then made its way to Broadway station where it boarded the 'Asparagus Express' to Cheltenham. Once in Cheltenham 'Evesham's Gold' was then donated to this year's charity of the year - National Star in Ullenwood, where students turned them into soup.

Thank you to all involved - especially those pictured, including Chairman of Wychavon Council - Robert Raphael, St George, Gus the Asparagus man, Nigel Smith (Landlord of the Fleece Inn) and Ian Crowder (from the GWSR) -for arranging a memorable day that even made local TV news!

Learn more about the British Asparagus Festival

Looking ahead to Evesham's Summer Festivals

May heralds the start of the evesham events scene as Evesham and the Vale plays host to a number of festivals over the summer. 

With everything from food and drink festivals to medieval events, there really is something for everyone.

Here's what you can look forward to this year:

British Asparagus Season 23rd April to 21st June

Evesham Medieval Market 18th to 19th May

Dubs in the Middle 23rd to 27th May

Vale of Evesham Food and Drink Festival 31st May to 2nd June

Evesham Polish Day 1st June

Evesham Festival of Words (main weekend) 28th - 30th June

Battle of Evesham 3rd to 4th August

Evesham Angling Festival 24th to 26th August

PAL Fitness Education CIC

This month we shine our bright spotlight on local community interest company, PAL Fitness Education. The company was first formed in 2020 to provide a comprehensive service that supports and promotes the health of people. In 2021, the CIC started offering support to families on low income in Evesham and the Vale, providing food hampers at Christmas and holiday clubs.

Since 2021 the company has expanded and now delivers a variety of activities for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This includes: 

  • Splash sessions - where children and families can swim in a supportive environment.
  • Soft Play sessions - where children can experience play and develop their physical literacy, while building social and cognitive skills.
  • Trips & Visits - Trips to the Farm Park, Ice Skating and Nightclub with Disney character visits
  • Stay and Play sessions - delivered weekly by our SEND lead, Kirsty. This is specifically aimed at children and families who cannot access mainstream provision such as school or nursery, to ensure that they are not missing out on key involvements to help develop new skills and social experiences.

They are also in the planning stages of setting up other activities on a regular basis, such as cycling sessions (more on this below), disability football / multi-sports sessions and other projects where there is a demand. 

PAL Fitness also runs an Enhanced Learning Opportunity project twice a week. This is a pilot project run in partnership with a local school until the summer holidays. The project focuses on helping to provide specialised opportunities and unique experiences to children who will benefit from a different environment to school. The children vary in age and background. Some may come from disadvantaged situations, experience difficulties at home, or have special educational needs.

Inclusive cycling

One of PAL Fitness' latest projects is to offer inclusive cycling on the specialised cycling track at Evesham Velo Park.

They currently deliver the following activities:

 - Adult Cycling Sessions. These use adapted bikes to ensure that adults with disabilities can participate in cycling, despite not being able to use a two wheeled bike. Adults with both physical disabilities and learning disabilities can take part, with a  wide range of attendees benefiting from sessions such as wheelchair users, day centre participants and others in supportive living environments and residential homes.

- Children and Family Inclusive Cycling Sessions - These also use adapted bikes to ensure that children and young people with disabilities can participate in cycling, despite not being able to use a two wheeled bike. It is a fantastic experience for the entire family, who can all take part in a fun and healthy activity together.

- Learn to Ride Sessions – These are aimed at children in both mainstream and SEND settings, who can learn to independently cycle.

Currently, the project is run using another sub-contracted organisation due to the expensive equipment, the storage requirements, and the level of demand. PAL Fitness would like to be able to run the sessions independently so are currently in the process of raising £60000 which is why they need your help. They also want to invest in more specially adapted bikes to build up their fleet so they can ensure they have a bike suitable for everyone regardless of their disability.

By offering cycling programs to people with disabilities, PAL helps them enjoy a range of benefits:

  • Improved physical health: Cycling can boost fitness, strength, and balance.
  • Better well-being: It can help prevent or manage medical conditions, reduce stress and anxiety, and contribute to happiness and self-esteem.
  • Social connections: Cycling programs can foster social skills and build resilience and perseverance.

If you'd like to help PAL Fitness & Education By donating or volunteering, please get in touch using the link below.

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New Bistro Felton's Opens in Evesham

A huge welcome to the team behind Felton's Bistro and Wine who opened their brand new bistro restaurant on Thursday 25th April!

The team at Evesham Noticeboard were invited along to sample some of their food at the special preview evening a few days before opening and we were very impressed. 

Feltons is located in what once was the Delicious Cafe that closed several weeks ago. Since then, the new owners Nicola Marsh and chef Tom Bignell have stylishly redecorated the premises in just a few short weeks with new decor and furniture throughout. The owners have experience of running another successful bistro - The 5 star reviewed Yellow Brick Bistro - in Moreton-in-Marsh so they are no strangers to the hospitality business.

The name Feltons is a nod to the history of the building which in the 19th century was known as Felton's Wine Merchants - to this day the large wine cellar still remains intact! Upon discovering this amazing piece of trivia, the owners thought it the perfect name for their new bistro and work quickly started to meet the opening date.

The menu features a selection of local dishes and will be updated throughout the year to reflect the produce in season. During the preview evening, specially invited guests including the Chairman of the District Council (and future mayor) Robbie and the Mayoress, enjoyed specially prepared canapes and food from the main menu including mussels, meatballs and fishcakes. Local asparagus was also served marking the start of the asparagus season in Evesham and the Vale.

The bistro is a fantastic addition to Evesham and we wish them all the very best in their endeavours.

To book a table and view a sample menu, visit the Facebook page via the link below.

Book a Table

Bypass Nurseries reopens for summer season

It's official. Local plant nursery, Bypass Nurseries have flung open their doors and reopened for the summer season.

The nursery reopened their retail area on Monday 15th April and was inundated by shoppers keen to pick up plants for the new season.

The large range of plants available for sale including basket/patio plants, climbers, Zonal Geraniums, osteos, Argyranthemums, shrubs, hosters and strawberries so you can starting making all your hanging baskets / planters and top up your flower beds for a wonderful display over the coming summer period.

Bypass nurseries are now open daily between 9.30am-4.30pm so head on over for amazing prices and even better quality.

Visit the Nurseries

New clothing shop for Evesham?

You may have seen, one of the more popular posts in April was a question posed by the owner of Alcester Italian clothing beautique - Ciao Bella Chic. The Facebook post was asking if there would be any interest if a branch of the boutique was opened here in Evesham.

Well judging by the largely positive response including a whopping 191 comments, there was certainly a lot of interest! It's no secret that the number of independent clothing retailers in Evesham is very limited and with many forced to either shop with a chain store or go online, the proposition of offering stylish but affordable italian made ladies clothing was largely met with approval.

We'll have to wait and see what happens next - keep an eye on the facebook group and we'll share any updates as we get them.

Men in Sheds Update

Have you seen the new Evesham Town Council noticeboard outside the town hall?
It's been crafted by the very talented Men in Sheds and we think it looks great.
The Men-in-Sheds Project is a safe space for all to learn new skills and socialise over a work bench. It was set up to create a safe space for older men (women are also welcome!) who are more likely to find it more difficult to build social connections and share their concerns or feelings.

A huge thank you to the project for all their hard work!

Evesham Noticeboard - Now also on TikTok

We've recently signed up for a Tiktok account so if you are a fellow TikTok user - please give us a follow.

We'll be using Tiktok to upload videos sharing more about our town, the local businesses, charities and events.

The team are also looking forward to jumping on current trends and having fun.

To follow us, scan the QR code or click the link below.


What's on in Evesham and The Vale this month

To find out what's going on this month in Evesham, check out our weekly pinned post on the Evesham Noticeboard Facebook page.

Looking for something fun to do? Check out our regularly updated list of things to do in Evesham.

Add your Event

Regular Events Hosted at 

Venues Across Evesham

Want to find out what's on at venues near you? Check out the links below to find out when you can enjoy live bands, quizzes, food nights and so much more!!!

Bands in the Park Returns for 2024

Our guide to Evesham's schools

In this months guide, we are exploring the education system here in Evesham and the Vale. This area is home to a lovely selection of schools so whether you are new to the area and are looking for a school for your child, have a child starting school for the first time or have a child transitioning between schools, our directory is here to help you.

Visit the link below for a full listing of all of Evesham's schools from first to high and also including the local primaries. For those who are new to the area we also have an explanation for the tricky 3 tier system. If you'd like to know more about a school you can contact them directly or ask a fellow parent in the facebook group.

Check out our schools below!

Check out Evesham's schools

EODS Win Big at Awards Night

A huge well done to Evesham Operatic and Dramatic Society (EODS) who recently won the National Operatic and Dramatic Association (NODA) award for their May 2023 production of Broadway and Beyond.

The society also won the award for Best Concert in District 5 of the NODA West Midlands Region for the second year in a row.

The show's director Daniel Callaghan - who had his directorial debut in 2023 - and producer Bee Rimmer attended the awards ceremony and collected their awards on behalf of the society.

EODS have won a number of awards in recent years, but are particularly thrilled to have been recognised for a show which showcased young, fresh talent both on and off-stage.

On their Facebook page they posted,

"We’d like to take this opportunity to Thank everyone involved in making this production a great success and to those who supported the show and the society by buying a ticket, being in our audience and helping future proofing our societies ability to entertain."

The society are now deep in rehearsal for their May 2024 show, Funny Girl, the Broadway musical made famous by the 1968 Barbra Streisand film, which tells the story of Fanny Brice, an unconventional performer who rises to fame in the Ziegfeld Follies.

Featuring iconic songs like ‘Don't Rain on My Parade’, Funny Girl is a timeless classic which once again welcomes new talent to the stage and promises to delight audiences!

Funny Girl will be staged at The Henrician, Evesham from the 14 – 18 May 2024.

Tickets are available from either the Henrician at £16 (£14 for concessions and groups of 8+).

Performances start at 19:30, with an additional Saturday matinee at 14:30.

(This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals)

Book Funny Girl Tickets Now

New Members This Month

Hayley Reynolds Gallery

Art gallery and studio offering commissions and workshops.

Visit Now

S&C Bubble Balloons

Creators of bobo bubble/stuffed balloons, stacks and any balloon requests.

Visit Now

Emily Gillard Dog Grooming

Professional Dog Groomer in Evesham, Worcestershire

Visit Now

The Bloom Room

Discover The Bloom Room in Evesham - a classy, relaxing and safe experience for luxurious waxing treatments. 

Visit Now

Cotswold Balloon House

Balloons garlands and decorations for all your celebrations and events.

Visit Now

Small Talk Counselling

Counselling to explore the feelings and emotions that are related to your current/past life experiences

Visit Now

Hayley Reynolds Art Gallery

For this month's business spotlight, we meet the very talented Hayley, Owner of the Hayley Reynolds Gallery located at Blackminster business park.

Hayley isn't your typical gallery owner. This passionate artist has been living and breathing art since childhood, and after years nurturing creativity in young minds (she used to work with children with special needs), she decided to pursue her own artistic dreams full-time.

Hayley's a whiz with a variety of mediums, but one of her specialties is truly unique: she's one of the few artists who uses Venetian plaster to create stunning Italian frescos – think trowels and textured masterpieces! But that's not all she does and she also paints with watercolours and acrylics.

Speaking of acrylics, have you seen her paintings of the Wick confetti fields? Hayley's been the artist-in-residence there since 2018, and her vibrant captures of those colourful flowers are what really launched her career. It's also a true labour of love – she spends a good six months prepping for each season, with a whole month dedicated to framing (talk about dedication!).

Hayley's artistic style draws inspiration from Impressionism, and she loves using unique tools and palette knives to create depth and texture in her paintings. Fun fact: art runs in the family – you'll even find a treasured piece by her dad in her studio!

From abstracts and seascapes to landscapes and florals, Hayley loves to explore different styles. But one thing remains constant: her desire to evoke feelings of joy and love in everyone who sees her work. She truly believes that art is for everyone, and should be accessible for all which is why she offers paintings in different sizes giving everyone the opportunity to own a piece of art.

Want to tap into your own inner artist? Hayley shares her passion through fun, full-day workshops! She teaches groups of six, guiding them through different techniques to create their own masterpieces. These workshops are so popular that people often book multiple ones – it's that addictive! She has dates available right until December but these will surely book out quickly so, check out her website if you don't want to miss out.

As well as the gallery which regularly features other local artists, Hayley also runs an open studio so you can see behind the scenes where the magic happes! So, next time you're in the area (Blackminster Business Park), drop by Tuesday through Saturday, 10.30am til 4pm. No appointments needed, just friendly faces and a love for art!

Follow Hayley on Facebook

Roman Moor Framing

Do you have Artwork, Memorabilia, Photos, Fabrics or Prints that need framing or reframing?

If so look no further than Roman Moor Framing in Evesham!

Owner Stuart Tompkins specialises in providing a wide selection of affordable frames regardless of your medium.

For expert advice on framing and a free quotation contact Stuart via the link below!

Enquire Now

Business Dates for Your Diary

Non League Networking - Thursday 30th May 12-2pm EUFC - £10 for ENB Members

Evesham Noticeboard Networking - 16th May 6pm - 7.30pm at The Hayley Reynolds Gallery, Blackminster

Evesham Business Networking at The Almonry

In April, we hosted a lunchtime networking event at local museum and tourist information centre - the Almonry - for our Evesham Noticeboard members. Local business owners had the chance to network whilst enjoying a delicious selection of food and treats by Food to Go. 

Business owners and representatives from all over Evesham came together to find out more about each other and their businesses. Attendees also had the opportunity to hear about the forthcoming Almonry restoration project from manager Ashleigh Jayes. It's a huge project involving the replacement of the roof and internal changes to remove some of the 20th century non age specific upgrades to restore the almonry back to its original condition. The whole project is expected to take serveral years to complete and final costs are projected to be in excess of £3 million. The Almonry have obtained grants to cover much of the work but still need significant donations - take a look at the website to find out more.

As well as the talk given by Ashleigh, we also went on a guided tour of the Almonry with Alex Bear. The museum collection includes items spanning from prehistoric times up to the mid 20th century. There are also exhibitions on the Battle of Evesham and the dissolution of the monasteries which was responsible for the demise of Evesham's abbey in the mid 16th century. The exhibitions include models and original artifacts dating back to the period and it was fascinating to see them on display. If you've not visited the Almonry before or if it's been a while, we strongly suggest you pay them a visit before the refurbishment work begins.

Thank you so much to the staff at the Almonry for hosting us for this month's networking and to Food to Go for the food.

 Our next Evesham Noticeboard Networking Lunch is at the Hayley Reynolds Gallery on 16th May from 12.15-2.15 - use the link below to secure your place now.

Book Your Place

Sarah's Top 6 Tax Saving Tips for Business Owners

This month Sarah Sallis, from the accountancy office is sharing her top tax saving tips for business owners especially limited company owners

1. Pay into a Pension

If you're a director of a limited company, making pension payments can be a significant and worthwhile benefit. As long as the employer contributes to a registered pension scheme, no income tax liability arises in respect of the contributions. Employer contributions will count towards the director’s annual allowance for pension purposes though, so it is important to check that the annual allowance available to the director covers both contributions by the company and the director personally. 

2. Mobile Phones

By placing your mobile phone contract in your company name and paying for it via the business, the bill becomes both corporation tax and VAT deductible - even if you make private calls. The benefit is tax exempt but only on one phone contract per employee/director.

3. Keep it in the Family

Are the skills you need sat at home playing Xbox or away at university with lots of free time during holidays? Invite your family members to carry out tasks within the business and pay them a reasonable wage. This could be general admin, social media etc.

4. Party time!

Whether the company is a personal or family company, it is still possible to take advantage of the exemption for annual parties and other annual events. You can use it for a Christmas party or similar style event but it is caped at £150 per head (including guests). If you hold more than one event per year the exemption still applies as long as the total cost falls within the £150 per head allowance.

5. Treat yourself (and your staff)

Want to treat your staff?

There is a little known allowance/benefit that can save you a few pounds in tax. The allowance means you don’t have to pay tax on a benefit to your employees if all of the following apply:

  • it cost you £50 or less to provide
  • it isn’t cash or a cash voucher
  • it isn’t a reward for their work or performance
  • it isn’t in the terms of their contract

The amount rises to £300 for directors! (but not more than £50 per time). This exemption would allow the company to provide a monthly tax-free treat costing up to £25 (such as flowers, a meal, a ticket to an event, a bottle of wine, etc). 

6. Rewarding long service

 If the director has clocked up 20 years’ service, it is possible to take advantage of the tax exemption for long service awards and make a tax-free award of up to £50 for each year of service (so that is £1,000 for 20 years’ service).

The award can’t be in the form of cash, a voucher, a credit token or shares, but a traditional gold watch, a designer handbag or a painting (or whatever takes your fancy, as long as it is tangible moveable property) will keep the taxman happy.

Thanks to Sarah Sallis and the Team at The Accountancy Office for allowing us to reshare this. If you need help with your accounts, contact the team at the link below.

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Just Memorials celebrates 3rd Anniversary

Congratulations to the team at Just Memorials who are celebrating their 3rd anniversary this month. 

Based at Unit 15 St Richards Road, Just Memorials is an independent family run business set up by owner Tracy Hampton. The business helps bereaved families by creating beautiful, bespoke memorials to honour loved ones.

Here's what they offer:

  • Headstones, cremation tablets, kerb sets
  • Ornamentals, crosses, plaques, vases 
  • Additional Inscriptions
  • Restoration & cleaning
  • Memory boxes
  • Ashes jewellery and so much more

Their customer service is second to none and their quality memorials are exceptional with multiple 5 star reviews on both Google and Facebook.

For any enquiries and a friendly, caring, no pressure quotation get in touch via the link below.

Get a Quote

Thanks for reading!

We hope you've enjoyed the April edition of the Evesham Noticeboard Newsletter. We are always looking for newsworthy stories for our newsletter so if you'd like to be featured or would like to contribute to nexrdt month's article please drop us a message to hello@eveshamnoticeboard.co.uk

Big thanks to our admins and content creators at Evesham Noticeboard! Kim and Gemma help us with their creative skills to produce informative posts and newsletters! I would be lost without them, so big big thanks ladies!

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