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Help For Senior Citizens in Evesham

A guide to the help and support services available to Evesham's Pensioners

Times are difficult for all, but especially for the older members of our community. In fact, it's been said that "every 8 minutes an older person dies in poverty".

Now I don't know about you, but here at Evesham Noticeboard, we think that's completely unacceptable and we want to help. So we've put our thinking caps on, carried out research into local organisations, and government, and have decided to put this guide together to help anyone who might need support. 

Please share this with anyone you know and if they don't have internet access - consider printing this page and passing it on to anyone who might need help.

Who is this article for?

This article is aimed at the Vale of Evesham's Senior Population and we'll be specifically referring to agencies and support available to those living here in the Vale of Evesham. That's not to say that help isn't available to you if you live outside the area, it just means that there might be other agencies that might be a better fit for you by location.

Please, if you are struggling do not be afraid to reach out to any of the below organisations. There is no shame in asking for help and just because you have 'managed' in the past doesn't mean that you have to continue to "manage". No one should be going cold or without food this winter. You are entitled to help and there are funds and organisations specifically for this purpose so don't feel embarrassed or avoid claiming because you think that people are worse off than you or you've managed before. Just reach out and someone will be more than happy to help.

Government Help

There are several schemes run by the government to help pensioners, these include:

Pension Credit - For pensioners over state age earning a low income, pension credit tops up their earnings to £218.15 per week if single and to £332.95 if you have a partner. You will need to make a claim either online, via telephone on 0800 99 1234, or via post by filling in an application form and returning to Freepost DWP Pensions Service 3.

Attendance Allowance - helps with extra costs if you have a disability severe enough that you need someone to help look after you. 

It’s paid at 2 different rates and how much you get depends on the level of care that you need because of your disability.

You could get £72.65 or £108.55 a week to help with personal support if you’re both:

  • physically or mentally disabled
  • State Pension age or older

You'll need to apply for Attendance Allowance - you can do this online or via the post

Warm home discount - A one-off discount of £150 on your electricity bill paid directly to the energy company. The discount is automatic if you are eligible (on a low income or in receipt of guarantee credit element of pension credit so there is no need to apply.

Household Support Fund - This is an initiative distributed by Worcestershire County Council to help those struggling with household energy and food bills by providing a £75 cash voucher to those who are eligible. Those in receipt of pension credit are eligible and should automatically receive a voucher. Others may also qualify for the fund - to find out if you / your loved one is eligible contact your local Citizen's Advice or DIAL South Worcestershire.

Winter Fuel Payment -  Available to those in receipt of certain benefits (including pension credit) and who were born before 22nd September 1958. If you are eligible you will receive a letter in October or November confirming this. The amount you receive depends on your age, if born before 22nd September 1944 you'll receive £300 and if born after you'll receive £200.

Cold Weather Payments - A payment of £25pw if the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, zero degrees celsius or below over 7 consecutive days. Available to those in receipt of certain benefits including pension credit and paid automatically.

Housing benefitHousing Benefit can help you pay your rent if you’re unemployed, on a low income or claiming benefits. It’s being replaced by Universal Credit.

You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if either of the following apply:

  • you have reached State Pension age
  • you’re in supported, sheltered or temporary housing

You'll need to meet the eligibility criteria and will need to make an application through the council or as part of your Pension Credit application.

Council Tax Reduction - You may be eligible for a discount on your council tax if you: 

  • live on your own
  • you or someone you live with has disabilities
  • are pension aged and have a second adult living with you who is not a partner. They must be on a low income or in receipt of certain benefits to be eligible

More information on Wychavon Council Tax Discounts here including how to apply 

Need help filling in forms? Help is available at the library or via citizens advice.

Local Grants

Local charity, the John Martin's Trust, offers grants to eligible pensioners. The grants available are:

- Relief in Need Grants - For pensioners who are on a low income or are in financial difficulty due to a variety of circumstances. Eligibility: applicants must live in the Town of Evesham and may either be in employment or in receipt of benefits. All applications are subject to a financial assessment and evidence of income and housing costs must be provided. Apply online or contact the charity for a form on 01386 765440.

- Heating Awards - Grants are restricted to residents of the Town of Evesham aged 65 and over who meet the current qualifying criteria. Applications open from 1st December to 28th February. Apply online or request a form to apply.

Food Banks and Community Larders

Here are some of the main organisations who can help you:

Caring Hands in the Vale - Receive food parcels, toiletry packs, bedding, clothing, and blankets free of charge depending on your circumstances.  People can also receive a free hot meal twice a week at the Caring Hands Diner. Referral Required. Open 12-2pm Monday to Thursday, and from 3.30-5.30 on Fridays

Evesham Adventure Playground - No referral needed. Community pantry open weekdays 10-12pm, free hot meals available weekdays at 12pm

Wallace House - Open to all. Community larder open on Tuesdays and Fridays between 12-1pm

All Saints Church - No referral needed. Food bank open Mondays and Fridays between 11-12 (one parcel per household per week). A Sunday Soup kitchen is also available from October to March between 4.30 & 6.00pm

Pershore Community Cupboard - No referral needed. Community larder winter hours as follows:

  • Mondays 2.30-3.30pm
  • Tuesdays 9.30-11am
  • Wednesdays 5-6pm
  • Thursdays 2.30-4pm
  • Fridays 9.30-11am
  • Saturdays 9.30 - 11am
  • Sundays 1-2pm

Pershore Food Bank - Referral Required. Pershore Food Bank is located at St. Andrew’s Centre, Church Walk, Pershore and is open Tuesday between 11.00am and 1.00pm and Friday between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. On Fridays an advisor from Citizen’s Advice is available. Area covered is Pershore and surrounding villages.

Broadway Churches Together Community Foodbank - No referral needed, but you do need to download a voucher. Available for those living in Broadway and surrounding villages - Childswickham, Snowshill, Willersey, Wickhamford. . Foodbank open 1st & 3rd Monday of the month between 11-1pm at St Michael's Church.

Warm Spaces in Evesham

Places you can go to get warm and stay dry in Evesham

Oasis@Evesham Methodist Church

A comfortable, friendly welcoming place where anyone can drop in for a cuppa or a chat, a game or a jigsaw. Open 10.00 - 1pm  on Mondays and Tuesdays. You can find Oasis in the Welcome Area which is the first room you come to on entering through the front door. 

Wallace House

Lots of regular events going on here in the community centre. Open 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday and 9am-1pm on Saturday. Be welcomed by friendly staff, and enjoy a Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate  for a small fee. As well as a warm atmosphere there is a TV, Radio, Piano, small selection of books, pool table and air hockey table to enjoy.

Regular events include:

Mondays - Age UK drop in 9.30-12.30 (2nd Monday of the month)

Thursday - Crafty Chat 10-12pm (fornightly), Senior Citizen club 1-4pm

Friday - Evesham Knitters 10-12pm (fortnightly), friendship group 1-4pm

Caring Hands in the Vale (The Lighthouse)

Free hot food, refreshments, and a warm space to meet people. Open Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12pm.

All Saints Church

"The Tea Service"- Open on Friday afternoons 2-3pm, free refreshments (donations welcome)

Evesham & District Pensioners Association

Evesham's Older People's Forum at the Town Hall. The association meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month 1.30-3.30pm at Evesham Town Hall. Lift available for those who require it.

Honeybourne Village Hall

Coffee mornings - Enjoy Coffee and Cake Every Thursday 9am-12pm.  Bring a friend and meet new friends.  Bring a book, borrow a book, and have a chat! 

Wednesday Club for Over 60s - Group meets at 2.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall.  We welcome new members to join us on day trips and to see our different speakers every month. 

Worcestershire Libraries

Evesham, Pershore & Broadway - Offer a warm space for reading, studying, and researching along with helpful, welcoming staff. Staff can also help you get online and assist you to fill in forms

Other Services that can help

Evesham Volunteer Centre - Volunteers who will provide lifts to hospital / medical appointments, shopping, or to enable you to socialist

Evesham Fire Station - Free home fire safety checks for older people. Advice also available on specialist alarms available for those with visual and hearing impairments. Help available to install your smoke alarm. More fire safety at home advice available here.

Other organisations that can help







Article correct as of Sept 2024

**** This is not an exhaustive list. Please if you are aware of any other services that we should add, let us know and we'll update the article.

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